Friday, October 9, 2020

Day 9 of Inktober2020 Women I Admire - Jane Austen

Day 9 of my series of 31 women I admire is Jane Austen.

Why Jane Austen? I’m so glad you asked. For starters, she brewed her own beer from scratch. The publishing world was male dominated, and women were discouraged from writing. But Jane Austen could foresee into the future, and knew that the Hallmark Channel would need shit for hopeless romantic bitches everywhere.

She wrote simple stories that have stood up for over 200 years. She wrote a book about 4 women who were looking for a husband and it became a best-seller. Then, she wrote a book about 3 women looking for a husband…another best-seller. When she got finished with that shit, she wrote a book about 2 women looking for a husband, and again…best-seller. And then to put a cherry on top, she wrote Emma, the story of 1 woman looking for a husband.  

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