Friday, October 30, 2020

36th President of the United States - Lyndon Baines Johnson

 Lyndon Baines Johnson - 36th President of the United States - 11x14 - Graphite

Before he entered the world of politics, President Johnson was a teacher at a tiny Hispanic school on the Mexican border. Mexico hadn’t yet paid for the wall that was supposed to be built, so he gladly taught there prior to the Great Depression. He was nearly killed in WW2, and after his nasty campaign against Kennedy, he accepted the nomination to be Kennedy’s VP. Johnson is noted for his “Great Society” program that included several civil rights bills and medicare, and bills the improved education, crime prevention and pollution reduction. Dude was working his ass off to be honest with you. 

He appointed Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court and is noted for making a decision not to run for a second term. He was an aggressive politician, and when ordering pants from Haggar Clothing, told Mr. Haggar, “the crotch down where your nuts hang, is always a little too tight. When you make them up, give me a inch that I can let out there, because they cut me, like riding a fence wire.” Every man can understand this analogy.   

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