Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Journey - Day 12

Below is the response I received from Portraits, Inc. I emailed them asking if they accepted charcoal portrait submissions, and if they offered feedback on rejected portfolios. I have not included the name of the individual responding to my inquiry, as I'm not certain she'd want me to put her name out there. I felt that if I'm going to document my journey, why not put it out there for everyone to see. I know it's just a response email, but it's somewhat exciting having them respond to me, considering this is a company I desire to work for.

Dear Mr. Price,

Thank you for your interest in Portraits, Inc. We do accept charcoal portraits as a medium, and you are welcome to include examples of your completed oil and charcoal portraits in your submission. We do offer limited feedback for those artists we are unable to accept on our roster, but please know that we do not attempt to be art critics. We only evaluate based on our understanding of our current markets and the requests we receive from our clients. For a more detailed critique of your work, we would recommend you take advantage of the critique services offered through the Portrait Society of America.

Thank you again for your interest, and we will look forward to reviewing your work.
Best regards,
XYZ Portraits, Inc.

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