Friday, August 24, 2012

Day 7

I still have those butterflies in my stomach when I think about the magnitude of this project. I have to get professional photographs of the paintings as well as gather my reference photos for them. Set up some meetings with the clients to pose with their portrait. According to the list on Portraits, Inc. I have to provide: • A digital portfolio in JPG or PDF format including 5-10 examples of your most recent portraits. Please size images appropriately so that the entire portfolio may be submitted in one email. Be sure to specify the medium and size of each portrait. Photographs of non-portrait work should be in addition to examples of your portrait work. • Reference photographs of your subjects, when possible, to show the quality of the likenesses. • Your current price list and a detailed description of your working methods. •Your resume, listing education, exhibition history, awards, and any articles published. In this moment, it seems like nothing else matters - school, family life, personal time ... nothing. It's do or die time, and the very thing that I have to wait on, is the paint to dry. And oil doesn't dry quick. Plus, I just noticed that they want non-portrait work included. Well, that alleviates some of the tension.

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Miles in Blue

I JUST FINISHED THIS PAINTING OF jazz legend, Miles Davis. A little-known fact is that Miles Davis was inspired by Pablo Picasso's Blue...