Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My Journey - Day 11

Today has been one of those blahhhh kind of days. I began working this morning around 6:30, and once I wrapped up a section some 30 minutes later, I found it difficult to continue working throughout the day. This happens from time to time. I even went over to my posted sign that reminds me, "how bad do you want it?" This plaque usually gives me the boost I need to really get charged. It's not that, I'm just having difficulty staying motivated. I don't know ... we'll see how the rest of the day turns out. I have exactly five days left as of today. I emailed Portraits, Inc., the other day to request some information about submitting my portfolio. I'll put their response up here in another day or so. I think seeing their response turned up the volume on my nervousness so to speak. I think I need to grab a friend and go to Starbucks and shoot the breeze one of these days. I'm extremely tense, but I think that's to be expected. Confidence ... at this moment, I have none. I felt pretty good this morning, but as I look back over the day, I can't believe how I slacked off.

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Miles in Blue

I JUST FINISHED THIS PAINTING OF jazz legend, Miles Davis. A little-known fact is that Miles Davis was inspired by Pablo Picasso's Blue...