Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Day 27 of Women I Admire is Eleanor Roosevelt

 Day 27 of Women I Admire is Eleanor Roosevelt

In a time where women were supposed to be seen and not heard, Eleanor Roosevelt said, “fuck that, and fuck your expectations!” To be frank, FDR was a slut, and Eleanor didn’t put up with that shit. She remained married to him, but their relationship was more political than anything else, and focused on he social work than to be his wife. 

She was such a human rights activist and supporter of equality that the dipshits in the FBI who actively tried to destroy the Civil Rights Movement, despised her and tried to blackmail her. She pushed for women to be paid fair for their work, and invited hundreds of black guests to the White House at a time when they weren’t welcome. When Marian Anderson was denied the use of Washington’s Constitution Hall, she resigned from the group responsible and helped arrange another concert. 

She was unpopular with whites in the South, and she didn’t give two shits. I could go on and on all day about this amazing woman. She used her platform as a First Lady in one of the most positive ways imaginable. Someone once said of her, “she would rather light a candle, than curse the darkness.”

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