Monday, November 2, 2020

37th President of the United States - Richard Nixon

 Richard Milhous Nixon - 37th President of the United States - 11x14 - Graphite

Nixon…his name is synonymous with scandal, and it’s actually kind of a shame. Prior to politics, he was an outstanding law student, graduating 3rd in his class at Duke Law. He was a lieutenant commander in the Navy during WW2, and just like Eisenhower, he saw no combat. When he became president, his trip to China was unique because just like the UN doesn’t recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel for whatever fucking ridiculous reason they choose, the U.S. recognized Taiwan as the legitimate government of China. Crazy…

He earned the nickname “Tricky Dick” not because pimpin’ ain’t easy, but because he compared an opponent’s voting record to that of a left wing representative. While president, he ended the draft, founded the EPA, dedicated over $100-million to create national cancer centers, signed Title IX for colleges and universities (yeah motherfuckers, he’s responsible for that shit), desegregated southern schools, helped Stanley Kubrick create a fake moon landing so that he could fulfill JFK’s dream, eliminated organized crime (except for the CIA and FBI), made Andrew Jackson spin in his grave by giving Native Americans the right to return to their sacred lands, ended the war in Vietnam, helped avoid a second Cuban Missile Crisis, and helped save Israel by sending massive aid during the Yom Kippur War. Damn!

However, because of the Watergate Scandal, Tricky Dick is the only president to resign, and it’s the one thing people associate with him.

You can read more exciting facts about President Nixon and all the presidents for that matter, in my upcoming book, ‘The Big Book of Presidents for Adults’. 

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