Monday, November 9, 2020

39th President of the United States - Jimmy Carter

39th President of the United States
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter is the first president to be born in a hospital, and he’s remembered more for what he’s accomplished outside of the presidency than what he did while serving. This means either he was a shitty president, or he’s really done a lot after leaving. As a president, he created the Department of Energy and Department of Education, helped end the war between Israel and Egypt in the Camp David accords, and is the only president to have graduated from the Naval Academy. Unfortunately for him, there was a serious economic crisis, inflation, record high interest rates, and a gas shortage, which is shown in the 1978 documentary, Superman, about an illegal alien who is trying to do the jobs Americans aren’t willing to do. Carter was an early proponent of Civil Rights, and it actually hurt his early political career. As a civilian, he negotiated the release of a U.S. citizen after being imprisoned in North Korea, met with Hamas when no other world leader had the balls to do so, and builds the shit out of houses for Habitat For Humanity.
Opponents and friends alike describe him as a genuinely nice guy, carried his own luggage while president, and refused to get sucked into what we call “Washington Politics.” He negotiated with Iran for 14 months to release 52 American hostages. The day Reagan took office, they realized Reagan wouldn’t take their shit and bomb the fuck out of them, and the hostages were released.
You can read more exciting facts about President Carter and all the presidents for that matter, in my upcoming book, ‘The Big Book of Presidents for Adults’

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