Friday, November 6, 2020

38th President of the United States - Gerald Ford

 Gerald Rudolph Ford - 38th President of the United States - 11x14 - Graphite

Ford is generally one of the more forgotten modern day presidents. When Gerald Ford became president, the American people just knew he was going to assign a special prosecutor to look into Nixon, and when he didn’t, they said, “well, fuck you then!” and he was not elected for a second term. While I do think Nixon was a good president, it’s shit like this why politicians continue to get away with shit. They fuck up, and we give them a pass and then complain about political corruption.  

Anyway, while attending the University of Michigan, he could’ve played for the NFL, receiving offers from both the Detroit Lions and Green Bay Packers but turned them down to be a head boxing coach and assistant football coach at Yale University. He refused to allow bone spurs to keep him from serving our great nation, and served in the Navy during WW2. He was the target of 2 assassination attempts, both by women (one was played by Dakota Fanning in a Quentin Tarantino film) and he was the only person to serve as both president and vice president who was never elected to either office. When Reagan offered him the opportunity to be VP, he turned it down. After the year 2000, took the time to list his presidential life after leaving office, and his only real accomplishments, were being admitted to the hospital almost a dozen times. Great reporting CNN. 

You can read more exciting facts about President Ford and all the presidents for that matter, in my upcoming book, ‘The Big Book of Presidents for Adults’

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