Wednesday, November 11, 2020

40th President of the United States - Ronald Reagan

40th President of the United States - Ronald Reagan - 11x14 - Graphite

Ronald Reagan is the first president to have been divorced, and according to Nancy, he was said to be a fussy eater, disliking Brussels sprouts (the fuck? That doesn’t make him fussy). Prior to life in the Oval Office, he was a successful actor, starring in both television and film productions. Upon entering the political arena, he was a stanch liberal, citing FDR as one of his political heroes. His favorite bible verse was not in Two Corinthians, but the simple verse of John 3:16.

As governor of California, he signed the Mulford Act, which basically made Open Carry illegal. This is important because Open Carry was never an issue until the Black Panthers did it. There was an assassination attempt on his life by John Hinckley Jr., an idiot who thought Jodie Foster would get off to that shit. Unfortunately for him, assassination attempts on the president don’t sexually arouse Jodie Foster, and he was imprisoned until 2016. He currently resides in Williamsburg, VA, where he is forbidden to watch pornography, and contacting Jodie Foster. 

Reagan had a great sense of humor, often telling jokes at press conferences. At one press conference not too long after he was shot, when someone popped a balloon in a juvenile attempt to frighten him, he remarked, “missed me.” He flew to Russia to tell Mr. Gorbachev to tear the wall down…something President Trump was not too keen on, as Mexico is currently in the process for paying for one. 

He submitted the first trillion dollar budget request, ran the War on Drugs, (which unfairly targeted minority communities) and was known as the Great Communicator, because he could relay a message like nobody’s business. 

You can read more exciting facts about President Reagan and all the presidents for that matter, in my upcoming book, ‘The Big Book of Presidents for Adults’

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