Thursday, September 17, 2020

First leaf of fall

It's raining today and while working on a commission, I went upstairs and when I looked out the window, I thought, is that what I think it is? Yes, ladies and gentlemen...yes it is. I believe this to be the first leaf of fall (in my neighborhood, anyway). Fall is one of my favorite times of the year, and also when I do my best outdoor painting. I think some of my best pieces have been either done, or started in the fall. I have a few art shows coming up, but I'll probably head to Asheville sometime in October. So there you have it folks...fall is here. Not officially, but kinda ... 

I think I'll grab a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks, put on my leggings and uggs and be a basic white bitch.  

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Miles in Blue

I JUST FINISHED THIS PAINTING OF jazz legend, Miles Davis. A little-known fact is that Miles Davis was inspired by Pablo Picasso's Blue...