Friday, September 25, 2020

22nd President of the United States - Grover Cleveland

Grover Cleveland - 22nd President of the United States - Graphite

Grover Cleveland was related to Moses Cleaveland, the dude who founded Cleveland, Ohio. Whereas it’s not uncommon today to have children out of wedlock, in his day, it was a serious scandal, and when Republicans accused him of this, he didn’t hide his email server, he came clean and basically admitted to that shit like a boss. He’s also the reason that although President Trump is our 45th president, only 44 men have sat in the oval office because Cleveland was our 22nd and 24th president. For that reason, I shall post him twice…why not? He entered the presidency a bachelor, and is the only president to marry at the White House. His wife, Frances, was 27 years younger than him (he was 47 when they wed) and she is notable for campaigning against women’s suffrage and making such philosophical quotes as “women aren’t yet intelligent enough to vote”.

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