Friday, June 28, 2019

Harriet Tubman: Into the Darkness

Here is the 98%, completed painting of Harriet Tubman: Into the Darkness. This painting took a ton of research and time; from going to Maryland where she was raised, to doing sand studies to see how sand adheres to oil paint. I took sand from both the Richmond Slave Trail and Brodess Farm where she was raised, and ground it into the paint. I'm a huge Maxfield Parrish fan and used his glazing techniques to make the lights brighter, and the darks pushed back. This has been an exhausting journey, but I made some wonderful friends in the process, and learned more than I imagined. I still have some minor additions (more of the rocks, a few branches, and light touches here and there), but I'll most likely finish those up in early 2020. I look forward to seeing the future of this painting.

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