Wednesday, September 30, 2020

23rd President of the United States - Benjamin Harrison

Benjamin Harrison

23rd President of the United States


Benjamin Harrison is the grandson of President William Henry Harrison who kicked the can 30 days into office from pneumonia. He was a lieutenant in the Union Army, and before becoming president, argued for the rights of Native Americans but said “fuck you!” to Chinese immigrants. He signed the Sherman Antitrust Act, a law that prevented large companies from buying all the competition only to raise prices unfairly, something that would piss Alan Greenspan and Ayn Rand off. When he ran for reelection, his wife ignored social distancing policies and died of TB. He had a dog named Dash who he refused to play with because he was a pussy and feared his colleagues would think him less of a man. Following in his grandfather’s footsteps, Harrison died of pneumonia.  

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Coffee Art

In honor of #nationalcoffeeday2020 here is a little preview of what I've been working on. Richmond is known for its local coffee shops. Each of these paintings is made with coffee from the local roasters. I will be releasing a line of local coffee art and products that are perfect for holiday gifts and stocking stuffers. Stay tuned ...

#nationalcoffeeday #giftideas #coffeelover  

Prints of Keith Richards & Mick Jagger

Prints of Keith Richards & Mick Jagger available for purchase.

11x14 - $30

16x20 - $60

Domestic shipping is free. 

Monday, September 28, 2020

Honey Whytes

 Honey Whytes...if you get a chance to check them out, not only is my artwork on display there, but they also have some of the baddest burgers in Richmond. Staff is friendly as hell, the owner is a fucking boss, and it's probably the only restaurant in Richmond that I've tried almost every burger on the menu. Check them out.

Honey Whytes
2116 E Main St, Richmond, VA 23223

My art is also on display at StuffRVA - 1710 Altamont Ave, Richmond, VA 23230
MediaNoche - 9200 Stony Point Pkwy #130, Richmond, VA 23235
Crossroads Art Center - 2016 Staples Mill Rd, Richmond, VA 23230

Friday, September 25, 2020

22nd President of the United States - Grover Cleveland

Grover Cleveland - 22nd President of the United States - Graphite

Grover Cleveland was related to Moses Cleaveland, the dude who founded Cleveland, Ohio. Whereas it’s not uncommon today to have children out of wedlock, in his day, it was a serious scandal, and when Republicans accused him of this, he didn’t hide his email server, he came clean and basically admitted to that shit like a boss. He’s also the reason that although President Trump is our 45th president, only 44 men have sat in the oval office because Cleveland was our 22nd and 24th president. For that reason, I shall post him twice…why not? He entered the presidency a bachelor, and is the only president to marry at the White House. His wife, Frances, was 27 years younger than him (he was 47 when they wed) and she is notable for campaigning against women’s suffrage and making such philosophical quotes as “women aren’t yet intelligent enough to vote”.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Throwback Thursday

 Recently, I went to the Sunken Treasures exhibit at the VMFA. I wasn't overwhelmed, but I wasn't underwhelmed, either. This one particular marble statue took me back to when I was in Egypt almost 20 years ago and made a sad attempt to sketch the mask of King Tut. I've kept all my sketchbooks over the years, and this is one of the earliest ones from life I did. The marble statue at the exhibit was so well preserved you could almost feel where the artists from centuries ago, chiseled every single detail. The mask of King Tut, while it is one of the most famous treasures to come out of Egypt, it wasn't my favorite piece at the Cairo Museum. There were other pieces that I thought were much more impressive.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

21st President of the United States - Chester Alan Arthur

 Chester Alan Arthur - 21st President of the United States - Graphite

Chester Alan Arthur is another one of those forgettable presidents and it’s such a shame, too. For starters, he had a fashionable partial beard that made him look dapper as fuck. He is one of only four presidents to serve all four years without a vice president, and why not? He was a stylish motherfucker, who sold over 20 wagonloads of furnishings from previous presidential administrations, to raise money to hire Louis Comfort Tiffany to redecorate the White House. He owned over 80 pair of pants, which might not seem like a big deal, but at the time, was seen as extravagant. Remember the fuckery that surrounded President Obama accused of not being born in the USA? Ignorant jackasses made the same accusation about Chester Arthur. History really does repeat itself.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Sunday, September 20, 2020

20th President of the United States - James Abram Garfield

 James Abram Garfield - 20th President of the United States - Graphite

James Abram Garfield was the 2nd of four presidents to be assassinated, only 6 months into his term by Charles Guiteau, an entitled cunt who believed he deserved a government job. He is the only sitting member of the United States House of Representatives to be elected to the presidency. He was a major general in the Civil War and believed it to be a holy crusade against slavery. He was born into poverty, was the president of Williams College at the age of 26 and thankfully, was the last president to have a full beard, which makes my job as an artist, much easier.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Keith Richards & Mick Jagger

I got my second art collector. About a year or so ago, a lady began commissioning me to do Pop Art portraits of soul singers - Billie Holiday, Aretha Franklin, etc. Recently, my work has been on display at Honeywhytes in Richmond, just near the Train Station. A customer bought a painting and contacted me to see if I did other work. She's friends with Lynyrd Skynyrd and has commissioned me to paint almost a dozen classic rock paintings. This one is my first one of Mick Jagger and Keith Richards. I'll be posting the completed piece in a few days. 

Thursday, September 17, 2020

First leaf of fall

It's raining today and while working on a commission, I went upstairs and when I looked out the window, I thought, is that what I think it is? Yes, ladies and gentlemen...yes it is. I believe this to be the first leaf of fall (in my neighborhood, anyway). Fall is one of my favorite times of the year, and also when I do my best outdoor painting. I think some of my best pieces have been either done, or started in the fall. I have a few art shows coming up, but I'll probably head to Asheville sometime in October. So there you have it folks...fall is here. Not officially, but kinda ... 

I think I'll grab a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks, put on my leggings and uggs and be a basic white bitch.  

Throwback Thursday

 Years ago when I was supposed to be working, I'd zone out and just doodle. Sometimes, my doodles would turn into sketches. I think this is probably 2006ish. I loved (and still do love) old forests, the wilderness, a stream...those areas that are forgotten. I have this idea that elves, fairies, and those folktale creatures still exist somewhere. I know they don't, but it's fun to imagine they do.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

19th President of the United States - Rutherford Baines Hayes

Rutherford Baines Hayes
19th President of the United States
President Rutherford Baines Hayes was a total badass who was wounded in the Civil War. He had one of the tightest elections in history, and didn’t seek reelection - keeping a promise that he wouldn’t. He removed all alcohol from the White House, because he was boring as fuck, but he also had 8 kids. As president, he signed legislation that allowed women to argue before the Supreme Court. He started the Easter Egg Roll, and he is the first president to have a phone in the White House with the phone number ‘1’. He was a stanch abolitionist who defended slaves in court, and encouraged black students to apply for scholarships. One of those students who applied, was W. E. B. Du Bois.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Beard work in progress

Back into the swing of things and I open my week with President Hayes' beard. For the record, if I've never said it before, let me say it now, I HATE working on hair. It's tedious and a lot of "rinse and repeat". You put down a layer, shade it...erase...put down a darker layer...shade...erase...and so on and so forth.  

Sunday, September 13, 2020

18th President of the United States - Ulysses S. Grant

Ulysses S. Grant
18th President of the United States

President Ulysses S. Grant won the first major Union victory of the Civil War. He was supposed to be at the theater with Lincoln the night of the assassination. His father was such an abolitionist that when Grant married Julia and she was given 2 slaves by her parents, his father told him to fuck off and refused to show up at the wedding. The “S” in his middle name didn’t stand for anything, and he was the one who beat the shit out of Robert E. Lee in the Civil War.  

Richmond City Lights

 AN OIL PAINTING I JUST FINISHED that I've titled: Richmond City Lights. The painting is a palette knife, framed in a beautiful, thin fl...