Friday, January 1, 2021

Prince time-lapse video

 This is a time-lapse painting of Prince that was a commission. Unfortunately, the video is cropped at the top and I'm not sure why. I'm using an outdated version of iMovie to edit my videos and for some reason, it no longer imports sound. I know, I know, I could always get the updated version, but this is a recent issue that I've been having. Apple is known for fucking up its products when a newer version is released, so this shouldn't come as a surprise. Imagine buying a car, and when the manufacturer makes a new one, the other one quits working. Same concept. Anyway...enough bitching. Enjoy the show. 

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Miles in Blue

I JUST FINISHED THIS PAINTING OF jazz legend, Miles Davis. A little-known fact is that Miles Davis was inspired by Pablo Picasso's Blue...