Friday, February 24, 2023

Gatorland, Orlando, Florida

 While in Orlando we visited Gatorland. It's one of those theme park/wildlife preserves that's not really a destination; people just kind of go there when they're in Orlando looking for things to do that isn't Disney and Universal Studios. We ziplined over the gator pits (which is wheelchair accessible btw) and learned more about alligators than I ever thought I'd need to know. For instance, if you're ever attacked by an alligator in Richmond, VA, jabbing your finger in its eye socket won't work. The socket is made of bone and closes over the eye, making it impossible to jab your finger in it. The nose, however, is extremely sensitive. While you're screaming like a little bitch, beat the shit out of its nose. 

Anyway, one of the reasons I wanted to go to Gatorland was because I've had a desire to do a painting of crocodiles for several years. For the record, I believe the one in the photo is an alligator, not a crocodile, but this one had an eerie grin on its face, that's why I posted it. While at this wildlife preserve, I was shocked at how close you can get to these creatures. I, for one, had zero interest in petting one, feeding one close up, or taking a chance with them in any capacity. 1. They have the strongest bite ever measured (close to 4,000 psi). Compare that to a lion that has a bite force of around 700 psi. 2. Refer back to number one. If you're in Orlando and want to go to an attraction that's just off the beaten path, I highly recommend this place. 

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