Friday, September 9, 2011

Lot's Wife

18x24 charcoal of Lot's Wife.

Basically, it's modeled after the story in the book of Genesis of Lot's wife. Lot and his family were told to leave Sodom. After fleeing the city, Lot's wife turned back to look, and she was turned into a pillar of salt. I can imagine that there was a lot of heartache in leaving the city - their family lived there, as did all of their friends. She probably heard the screams and torment, but not only that, her heart was still in the city.

The thought behind this drawing is based on that story, but years later. I imagined that, years after the salt began to dissolve and wash away - what if the bones of her body began to show through? In the background I decided to abstract fire raining from above. It's more of an abstracted memory of what happened than an actual background. This is what I came up with.

Please contact if you're interested in purchasing.

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