Tuesday, November 17, 2020

42nd President of the United States - Bill Clinton

 42nd President of the United States - William Jefferson Clinton - 11x14 - Graphite

There’s a lot to say about President Clinton, but you can read about him in my upcoming book: The Big Book of Presidents for Adults. We already know the juicy stuff, he fucked around on Hillary, and had a shit ton of sexual assault allegations that the media kind of downplayed. He was the first Democratic president since FDR who was elected to a second term, and the second president to be impeached. 

He signed the Brady Bill which pissed the NRA off. It wasn’t perfect, but it was a start. Under Clinton, America saw the longest peacetime economic expansion which you’d think both parties would be grateful for. But no, Americans seem to think if you belong to the opposite party then you’re no good. He appointed Madeleine Albright as the first woman secretary of state, and the Notorious RBG motherfuckers to sit on the United States Supreme Court. His crime bill tho? That motherfucker wrecked the fuck out of the black community. And at some point, he had the time to bang an intern in the Oval Office. He may or may not have had sexual relations with her…

Anyway, read more about Clinton in my Big Book of Presidents for Adults. 

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