Sunday, November 15, 2020

41st President of the United States - George Herbert Walker Bush


41st President of the United States - George Herbert Walker Bush - 11x14 - Graphite

Often referred to as Bush Sr. by media and political pundits, George Herbert Walker Bush was not Bush Sr, nor did he refer to himself by such. He was one of the youngest Navy pilots and was shot down during WW2 and almost captured. 8 of his fellow comrades were captured and cannibalized which is one of the reasons President Trump doesn’t admire them. He received the Distinguished Flying Cross along with 3 other medals, and his nickname in the Navy was “Skin”…hmmm

Prior to becoming president, he had a laundry list of political accomplishments, from being an Ambassador to the UN, to the director of the CIA. Interestingly, he was president 2 times, once while Reagan was in surgery for 8 hours, and of course, after Reagan left office. 

During Operation Desert Storm, he led one of the most successful and intelligent ground war campaigns in history, lasting only 100 hours, and embarrassing the fuck out of Saddam Hussein. He was a member of the secret society Skull & Bones, which sacrifices a baby annually, and has the skull of Martin Van Buren. 

You can read more interesting facts about President Bush and all of the other presidents in my upcoming book, "The Big Book of Presidents for Adults".

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