Saturday, February 25, 2023

From George to Joe book signing

 Sometimes, the craziest stuff happens to me, and I am taken back by it. Yesterday at exactly 5pm when the book signing happened, a lady named Ruth walked through the door. "I'd like to buy two copies of your book," she said. "And I need you to write, 'to Ruth, my best friend.'" "Is that what you want me to write?" I asked. 

"After tonight, I'm going to be your best friend," she said. As I signed a book for her, she continued. Her husband is George W. Bush's chef, and after the former president saw the special that Greg McQuade did on CBS6, he asked her to pick up a copy of my book for him. I not only autographed a copy for President Bush, but Ruth had even more surprises up her sleeve. "President Bush wants you to have this." 

She then pulled out a copy of his book, and in it, he'd autographed a copy for me. I probably should've been nicer to him in his biography. What a treat, and definitely, the highlight of my evening. 

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