If you know this view, you're either from Richmond, or have spent enough time here to know where this is. If you're not...you're missing out.
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
If you know this view...
If you know this view, you're either from Richmond, or have spent enough time here to know where this is. If you're not...you're missing out.
Sunday, February 26, 2023
Bob Ross
I've been to Orlando several times in my life-several when I was a kid, once or twice when I was a teenager, and the last time I think back in 2015 or 2016. When I was there in October 2022, Lynanne let me know she had somewhere she wanted to take me. It was Oct. 31 and we'd flown in the day before. Little did I know, she was going to cross something off my bucket list. I've always wanted to visit the grave of Bob Ross, he's the reason I started taking painting seriously. What's interesting is that, even though it was on my bucket list, I didn't know where he was buried. For some reason, I thought he was buried in Muncie, IN and I figured I might just go when I retired.
Just 10-15 minutes outside of Orlando is Woodlawn Memorial Park, where Bob Ross is buried. As stated in the above paragraph, he is the reason I began painting landscapes and I learned the basics of painting from him. Regardless of what the Kowalskis did to his son, Steve, (who I think got an extremely raw deal) and legacy, I'm forever grateful to what I learned from Bob Ross. It all started with his Joy of Painting series that I found a love for painting like I hadn't before. He simplified it and made it fun. Yes, it can be stressful and demanding, but it's so rewarding to take something that you see in your mind, or in nature, or in life, and put it on canvas. There's no feeling like it.
You're literally taking a snapshot of one singular moment and recreating it. And, if it's painted right, the audience will experience that moment as well. People often leave little art supplies at the site, and while I was tempted, I decided not to. Besides, they throw that shit away every so often.
It was an emotional moment for me. He was the teacher I never had, and the reason I became the artist I am today.
Saturday, February 25, 2023
From George to Joe book signing
Sometimes, the craziest stuff happens to me, and I am taken back by it. Yesterday at exactly 5pm when the book signing happened, a lady named Ruth walked through the door. "I'd like to buy two copies of your book," she said. "And I need you to write, 'to Ruth, my best friend.'" "Is that what you want me to write?" I asked.
"After tonight, I'm going to be your best friend," she said. As I signed a book for her, she continued. Her husband is George W. Bush's chef, and after the former president saw the special that Greg McQuade did on CBS6, he asked her to pick up a copy of my book for him. I not only autographed a copy for President Bush, but Ruth had even more surprises up her sleeve. "President Bush wants you to have this."
She then pulled out a copy of his book, and in it, he'd autographed a copy for me. I probably should've been nicer to him in his biography. What a treat, and definitely, the highlight of my evening.
Friday, February 24, 2023
Gatorland, Orlando, Florida
While in Orlando we visited Gatorland. It's one of those theme park/wildlife preserves that's not really a destination; people just kind of go there when they're in Orlando looking for things to do that isn't Disney and Universal Studios. We ziplined over the gator pits (which is wheelchair accessible btw) and learned more about alligators than I ever thought I'd need to know. For instance, if you're ever attacked by an alligator in Richmond, VA, jabbing your finger in its eye socket won't work. The socket is made of bone and closes over the eye, making it impossible to jab your finger in it. The nose, however, is extremely sensitive. While you're screaming like a little bitch, beat the shit out of its nose.
Anyway, one of the reasons I wanted to go to Gatorland was because I've had a desire to do a painting of crocodiles for several years. For the record, I believe the one in the photo is an alligator, not a crocodile, but this one had an eerie grin on its face, that's why I posted it. While at this wildlife preserve, I was shocked at how close you can get to these creatures. I, for one, had zero interest in petting one, feeding one close up, or taking a chance with them in any capacity. 1. They have the strongest bite ever measured (close to 4,000 psi). Compare that to a lion that has a bite force of around 700 psi. 2. Refer back to number one. If you're in Orlando and want to go to an attraction that's just off the beaten path, I highly recommend this place.
Thursday, February 23, 2023
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Our Belle Isle View
Que Belle Isle...it's a place that holds a lot of memories for me. Some of my earliest pleinair painting memories are in that part of Richmond. I went to Belle Isle on so many occasions for years, and then around 2016ish, I kind of quit going...no reason, I just quit going. Sometime around 2018, I think I went over there once or twice, but it was more for nostalgic reasons than anything else. This particular view of Belle Isle holds the strongest memory for me. Why? I'm so glad you asked. Of all the places I went with Lynanne, this one is one of the earliest memories I have of us when we began to get serious. I met her Nov 3, 2018, entirely by accident at VCU. Our relationship started off professional and we would meet for coffee and talk, mainly about work, art, autism, and SMART goals. She had this way of giving me what I call 'push back', when we talked. She didn't just listen to what I would say, she engaged in the conversation and often responded with, "but what about?" or "have you looked at it this way?". It's one thing to have a deep conversation with someone, but she's hyper-focused on making people better themselves. Our early conversations made me realize I could be so much more.
I've told more than one person I wanted my art to be a household name, or that I wanted to "blow up" per se, as an artist. Nobody ever said, "to be a household name, you have to be in people's houses." Lynanne did. In fact, she not only listened to me talk about art, but she also showed me how to set goals that went beyond just saying, "I want to do xyz." It became, "I want to do xyz, and here's how I can get it done." This is the difference in a good, solid partner, and one who demeans and degrades you. "I don't think you can do xyz," was not an uncommon expression I heard from more than one person.
It was at Belle Isle that I think we both realized there was so much more to our relationship than just meeting for professional reasons. We had cold ass coffee and stale donuts from Krispy Kreme. And we talked...and talked...and it was cold. And I fell for her.
This painting is that moment for me.
Monday, February 20, 2023
Richmond from Brown's Isle
This is the companion piece to Richmond From Brown's Isle at Night. Both are sold, but I thought I'd upload them here.
Sunday, February 19, 2023
Friday, February 17, 2023
From George to Joe
From George to Joe https://www.amazon.com/dp/0578847566/ref=sr_1_19
Thursday, February 16, 2023
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Sunset from St. John's Episcopal Church
St. John's Episcopal Church is one of those places in Richmond that everyone in America has heard about but maybe has no clue where it is. "Give me liberty, or give me death!" is what Patrick Henry shouted in March of 1775 at St. John's Episcopal Church. That's what it's famous for, and it's massive ass graveyard, containing some 3,000 souls. Anyway, when I used to live just down the road from St. John's, I'd often catch a sunset and the sky would have this 'Maxfield Parrish' feel to it. This, is one of those sunsets.
The painting is 16x20, oil, framed and on display at Crossroads Art Center in Richmond, VA.
Thursday, February 9, 2023
Wine & Design
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Monday, February 6, 2023
Firehole River, Wyoming
Thought I'd share some paintings I've done over the last year. This one is from Firehole River in Wyoming. It's a small painting, 11x14. Oil.
Sunday, February 5, 2023
From George to Joe with WTVR's Greg McQuade
I can't seem to be able to post the video here, but check out the story WTVR did of the book of presidents I wrote, set to come out President's Day weekend 2023.
Mount Ranier 1 of 2
ALL OF THE WORK THAT I post on my blog now is about my professional journey. I rarely show personal work because it's not something tha...

This is my version of Picasso's 'Bust of a Woman Wearing a Striped Hat.' It is made from discarded cardboard and a ton of hot gl...
Here is the 98%, completed painting of Harriet Tubman: Into the Darkness. This painting took a ton of research and time; from goi...
This nice lady sent me a selfie with her book. She purchased the book within minutes of it going on sale. If you'd like to get your o...