Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Rumors of War unveiling

Today, I had the opportunity to go to the VMFA for the unveiling of Kehinde Wiley's statue, Rumors of War. It was raining, but there had to be close to 1000 people in attendance. Mayor Levar Stoney, Justin Fairfax and Gov. Northam were there. Unfortunately, as Mr. Wiley said, "ladies and gentlemen, I give you, Rumors of War," the tarp got caught on the dreads of the rider.

The lady standing directly to my left said, "this is perfect. It's almost a testament to the struggle for equality that minorities have. It's like there's a fight just to claim equality, and that tarp is an example of everything standing in their way to be equal."

So what's up with the velociraptor? There's a house in Richmond a few miles from my apartment that has it in their yard.

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WELL,  THAT WAS A SHORT-LIVED ban. I am not a fan of Tiktok for a variety of reasons, but one that I will go into detail about shortly. Beca...