Thursday, April 16, 2015

Recently, I went to an art show where there was a great deal of artists displaying their work - some that were absolutely fascinating, and others, well ... not so much. Upstairs was the "All Media Show" where traditional artists, sculptors, digital artist, and photographers, were all judged. Downstairs was the "Photography" show.

What I found fascinating was the person who won first place in the Photography show, also won first place in the All Media Show. I guess I don't understand how one media can dominate like that. Why does the photographer have the opportunity to be in two separate shows? I know there's an art form to taking a good photograph, but the piece that won just seemed like there was nothing in it that was worth anyone's time.

Am I upset because I didn't win? No. I wasn't in the show. I just went to see what was on display. I guess I don't get it.

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