Thursday, October 24, 2013

Religious Wall Mural

This residential wall mural is a little different than what I usually do. I generally work in realistic works of art. This one, not so much. Artwork from the Renaissance had so many religious themes, and this one is no different. Alan Lee is an extremely gifted artist who worked on The Lord of the Rings set, and has completed some amazing, visual creations. I was inspired to use some of the templates from a book 'The Lord of the Rings Sketchbook.' That being said, let me explain what is going on here. The top portion are rams head. For those who read the scriptures, the ram is very symbolic. The ram that was caught in the thicket when Abraham went to sacrifice his son, was a representation of Christ. There are two rams heads. One is a literal ram, the other is what that ram represented. In the circular celtic pattern at the top, there is a star, which is a representation of the star that the Wise Men followed. The tree in the center is outlined in 24 karat paint - there are 66 leaves on the top of the tree for the 66 books of the bible, and 12 leaves on the bottom two branches - for the 12 tribes. In the center of the chair, another star - one of the names for Christ in Rev. 22, the Bright and Morning Star. Of course, sitting on the throne is Christ. The painting of Him is very medieval looking. I tried to give Him some brown in His skin, as I don't think Christ was this pasty-white Euro inspired visual that we've been fed. He has to have had some tan to His skin. Finally, under His feet was supposed to be a serpent, but that was scrapped at the last minute. The sketch for the serpent can still be seen. Maybe at a later date, the owner will have me paint it in.

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