Friday, August 30, 2013

The direction of my artwork

In all things of life, there is change. People who fail to realize this, often have difficulty coping. Life moves from one season to the next, and so do we. Our own lives change. We have internal struggles, personal conflict, and as radio host, Warren Ballentine states, "Humans were built for struggle." This is so true. For several years, I have posted my artwork as I go along - you know, In Progress photos. I do this for several reasons. 1. I get very positive feedback and emails from people thankful that I showed the creative process behind the artwork, and 2. if for whatever reason my computer crashes and I lose all my files, at least it's online as a backup. This will not change.

My artwork is slowly going in a different direction. For the most part, I love doing portraits, I really do. There's nothing like taking the human face and putting it on canvas or paper. My passions for it however, have changed. I will always do portraits, as this is my first love. However, there's nothing creative about doing a portrait. I know, I know, you hardcore portrait artists out there will disagree with me, and I expect you to. Composition, lighting, etc., all of those things do force you to be creative, but that's not what I'm talking about. I love to take a blank canvas and create something that never has, nor ever will exist. I've completed several, I guess you would call them "fantasy" paintings, but will not post them for awhile.

I will continue to post some of my traditional artwork that I've completed over the last year, but in about another month or so, I will begin to post photos of some of my newer paintings. My artwork is taking a different turn, and I really like it. It doesn't pay nearly as good as portraiture, but it does pay. For an oil painting, I can easily charge a minimum of $3,500. For a fantasy style painting, not so much. It's harder to do a portrait, not because it's difficult to capture the person, but I have to please a specific client. For a creative painting, I'm only doing it to please myself. If it sells, great ... if not, I could really care less. I paint now for me - things I want on my walls and that move me. These paintings tend to bring excitement, joy, and contentment to my life.

That is the direction my artwork is going. As stated before, I will continue to post my murals and other completed works here. But in a matter of maybe two months tops, I will begin posting different works. Please, do not hesitate to contact me for my usual work - murals, portraits, design work. Those things will NEVER change. I will always accept commissions. It's just that I want to truly explore the creative side of me that I've never really entered. I just hope you like it as much as I do.

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