Saturday, September 15, 2012

My Journey - Day 29

So ... there are 16 days until my portfolio is due. Last night, I had a meeting with The Brewers, the family of a portrait I'll be presenting in my portfolio. They absolutely loved the portrait I'm painting of their children, and they offered some critiques of my work. One thing I think artists genuinely love and hate at the same time, are honest critiques of their work. After all of the hours we've put into a piece, an individual comes along and says, "I like this part, and here's why, but at the same time, this isn't working, and here's why." The Brewers offered some advice, showing me places where the portrait just wasn't working. As much as I want to get a painting right the first time around, sometimes it just doesn't happen that way.

I'd planned to have the painting finished by this weekend, but it's not going to happen. I now have to restructure things - nothing major, but it does push me back slightly. I generally give myself 4-6 months from the time I begin on a portrait, to complete it. I began this particular painting back in April and here it is right at the 6 month mark. Well, I can either complain, or take it in stride and realize this is what I need to better myself. The Brewers are a wonderful family who have given me the opportunity to create a masterpiece on canvas. The painting in this blog is not the painting I'm doing for them - it is just another shot of me painting Rev. Frank Gooch.

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Miles in Blue

I JUST FINISHED THIS PAINTING OF jazz legend, Miles Davis. A little-known fact is that Miles Davis was inspired by Pablo Picasso's Blue...