Friday, March 9, 2012

Head Study

Some images of a head study I did awhile back when I was at AAU. I believe I sketched this out while in Iraq. Some of the proportions are kind of off, but this was my first "from life" so-to-speak drawing. Up until this time, I'd always drawn from photographs. There's a HUGE difference when drawing from life. No matter how much depth a photograph has, it is still a flat, two dimensional piece. Drawing from life gave me an understanding of proportions that a photograph doesn't allow. You may notice all of the mistakes I've made, but that's good. Learning from our mistakes is how we progress.

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RICHMOND - 15x30 - OIL ON PAPER - $2500 THIS PAINTING OF RICHMOND TOOK just over a year to complete. It is a work on paper and good lord di...