Sunday, September 24, 2023

Camera to Canvas auction

Lynanne and I had an absolutely phenomenal time last night at the Camera to Canvas auction at The Boathouse at Rockett's Landing. All 4 of my bird paintings were auctioned off to raise money for conservation of the James River. This comes one day after the Art For The Journey auction, where 2 of 4 original paintings sold. Having Lynanne in my corner, pushing me and encouraging me has put me into some amazing situations. Last week, I was given the opportunity to sit down with the curator of the VMFA, Dr. Taylor and go over a strategy for the VMFA to (at some point) own some of my work. It's because of this woman here - she's strong, tough, and quite possibly the best thing that has ever happened to me. 

Monday, September 18, 2023

Pencil Drawing of the CSX Train going over the James River Bridge

Black & White pencil drawing from an original photo by @billdraperphotography 

This was originally meant for the Camera to Canvas Fundraiser this upcoming Thursday, but halfway through, I realized I would not have time to finish. The drawing is 18x24 and is currently being framed, and will be available for purchase within the next few weeks (frame molding is on backorder).

The price for this piece is $1900. Generally I donate 10% to the Innocence Project, but because this was specifically for conservation of the James River, I feel it's only right to donate to them.


Sunday, September 17, 2023


 Unfortunately for me, my white Ford Escape has come to an end. On Friday evening, a man decided to try and beat the light...he lost, and so did I. I slammed into him, spun his car around and then crashed into the guardrail. The witnesses on the scene, the two men in the Mercedes and the guy in the Steak and Seafood Direct truck (who, despite being white, kept calling me 'whiteboy') were so kind; neither stuck around to give details because both "didn't want to get involved." How was your weekend?

Richmond City Lights

 AN OIL PAINTING I JUST FINISHED that I've titled: Richmond City Lights. The painting is a palette knife, framed in a beautiful, thin fl...