Sunday, November 14, 2021

The Webb Shed

 The completed painting of The Webb Shed out in Franklin County is 22x30, oil, and includes soil from the land the shed is on. Feel free to shoot me a message if interested. Prints are available at my etsy store:

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Shed Painting - Work In Progress

Coming down to the final touches on this gorgeous fall painting. The shed is basically complete, and the shadows that spring across the road give off that effect of trees to the left that are not in the painting. And the tree? I'm about to highlight the hell out of it and trust me when I tell you, there will be more than is needed.


Friday, November 12, 2021

Shed Painting - Work In Progress

 Here are the beginning stages of the detailing of the shed and while I may have gone overboard with the highlights on the large tree, I really have no regrets about it. That tree was absolutely gorgeous and there's no way a painting or photograph can capture how beautiful that thing was. The entire left side of it was lit up with beautiful golden leaves that morphed into peach and orange. The hay bales, they were all over the damn place and I decided to paint 2 of them to the left to kind of frame everything in. This was maybe 2-3 months in. 

I often paint and let it dry and come back to it. One time I had a commission that took damn near 7 months to complete. 

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Shed Painting - Work In Progress

 I learned a technique from Michael James Smith that I'll share here. Once the colors are blocked in, you kind of dot in, (usually with a fan brush or some other older brush that has kind of fucked up bristles) a darker color That will serve as a shadow. You give this darker color a few days to dry and then begin going over it with lighter values which I'll post tomorrow. 

If you're into realism painting, I would check out his youtube channel:

He's probably one of my favorite artist, fun to watch, and is one of the best teachers you can find when it comes to realism art. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Shed Painting Work In Progress

 The timeframe between yesterday's pic and today's is probably a solid week to 2 weeks. It's all about drying time and taking on commissions. This painting was not a commission. I love old sheds and the American landscape. There aren't many collectors for this type of work, and that's okay. I paint these type of things for my own enjoyment and for my house. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Shed Painting Work In Progress

This is an outline of another shed painting. This shed is just off the side of the road out in Franklin County. I think Franklin County has to be the shed capital of the world. There are so many abandoned sheds, moonshine stills and memories of a time gone by. This one will be a gorgeous fall painting. 

Friday, November 5, 2021

House painting commission

 Another house painting commission. These make great housewarming gifts for someone who has just recently purchased a house, or one to hang in your own home. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Mabry Mill in the Fall

 This is a beautiful print of an original palette knife oil painting of Mabry Mill in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Mabry Mill is one of the most photographed locations in the Blue Ridge Mountains, and in the fall, the colors almost sing. Some of our family lives about 30 minutes from the mill, and if you have an opportunity, stop in for some of the most mouthwatering blueberry pancakes you will ever eat. Get there early though, it's a solid 2 hour wait. Requests of your own city can be made to order.

House Painting Commission

 Feel free to reach out f you'd like a painting of your own house, or of someone you know. 

Richmond City Lights

 AN OIL PAINTING I JUST FINISHED that I've titled: Richmond City Lights. The painting is a palette knife, framed in a beautiful, thin fl...