Friday, May 28, 2021

Palette Knife Series - Carillon At Night

 Carillon At Night

Part of my palette knife series.

Shipping is free anywhere in the United States.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Palette Knife Series - Belle Isle Suspension Bridge

This is the Belle Isle Suspension Bridge in Richmond, VA. While doing the palette knife series, I'm painting places in Richmond that are well known to the locals, and this is one of them. Years ago, I used to go to Belle Isle quite a bit and did several paintings on the isle itself. I did several scenes of Richmond that sold and I never got a chance to post them. Here is one of the suspension bridge as it curves around under the Lee Bridge. The paint was barely dry on the canvas when it sold. 

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Palette Knife Series - Belle Isle Suspension Bridge

Work in progress of the Belle Isle Suspension Bridge in Richmond, VA. Another one of my palette knife paintings. 

Clocktower Realty Group Mural

You always see the Before & After pics at the same time. Well, here is a 'before' pic, before I started working on it. This is a massive wall mural I was commissioned to do of the city of Richmond at the Clocktower Realty Group. Here are the before pics with the blank wall and outline of the city. No idea how long this will take, but it's definitely a challenge I'm willing to take on.  

Friday, May 21, 2021

Palette Knife Series - Richmond Train Tracks at Sunset

 Lynanne and I used to live at the Lucky Strike building in Richmond, and we both loved the train. Across the street was Chapel Island and from time to time, we'd walk over there. One day while walking along the path that literally leads to a dead end, we saw a path that led into the woods. Take it and see where it goes? Why not? So we did...

And we came to the train tracks. We began to walk back home and when we turned around, the sun lit up the side of the trains and the tracks and she took a photo that I just had to paint. We were going through a particularly rough patch at the time, but this was one of those moments where nothing mattered. We were together and dammit this painting brings back some of the warmest memories I have with her. 

This painting is sold already, but can be reproduced if interested. 

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Facebook's community "standards" with art

With the exception of last year, when I was receiving threats in messenger from cowards with their panties in a wad about the Lee Monument painting, I can count on one hand how many times I've reported Facebook posts. For the record, many of those profiles who issued those threats are still active. You know...Facebook cares and shit.  

Last year, I painted the above painting of Josephine Baker, taken from a famous photo of her that I pulled from a Josephine Baker fan page ON Facebook. There are multiple photos of Josephine Baker nude, and this was one that I painted; it's a famous photo that I was commissioned to reproduce. There is no violation of any community "standards" according to their own guidelines, and the photo of Ms. Baker - all of them, are still on several Josephine Baker fan pages. Below is a Facebook group of Josephine Baker and IDK boys and girls, but several of those pics look like a set of tittays in them. 

It's an art piece, reproduced from an artistic photograph of Josephine Baker. I am an artist. I painted a figurative piece, and Facebook took it down. 

Scroll back up and look at the image on the right of the kind of chunky woman. When that particular image popped in my feed, at first I didn't care. But after it passed through from several friends who shared it on their page, I decided to report it. Clearly the image was posted as a joke, and for the most part, I really could care less about nudity. I think people's offensive nature toward it is laughable at best. Facebook's response? I guess you can see for yourself.

Am I still salty about this hypocrisy? You bet your sweet ass I am. I guess I'm curious as to 1. why they pick and choose when they honor their obscure community standards, and 2. how stupid do they think we are if they think anyone believes a "specialist" aka bot, honestly reviewed the post. Is that discrimination? Maybe...but it's Facebook and I doubt it'll be a relevant social media platform in another 10 years. They've been on a steady decline since 2018. Nobody trusts them, it's no longer fun, there's so much discord it's not even funny, and the copyright violations from artists getting their work stolen with Facebook doing absolutely nothing to combat it is ridiculous. Like I said, it'll be irrelevant in 10 years, and people will have to find some other way to stalk and harass their ex. Nobody's interested in it anymore and have moved on with their lives...over to Instagram/filter-central, which is owned by Facebook. I imagine the community standards over there will slowly change as well at some point. 

Below is an article that stresses it so much better than I can in my post. I would encourage you to read it. Facebook has no community standards. They're a data mining company, free to you and me. And as someone once said, 'if a product is free, you are the product.'

Palette Knife Series - Richmond Train Tracks

 After a few days of the first layer drying, here is the second of 3 layers. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Richmond Palette Knife Series - Richmond Train Tracks

 A few months ago, I decided to give palette knife painting a go. A few years back I did a portrait of Abraham Lincoln that came with really positive feedback. I've been talking about it for awhile, so why not? Lynanne and I went to the Richmond train tracks behind the apartments we used to live and walked down one of those paths on Chapel Island and had no idea we were walking onto the back of the train lot. There were no trespassing signs until you get to the entrance, but there's no way we could've known that. Here is the base layer with multiple layers coming up. 

Monday, May 17, 2021

Carillon Sunset

 The Carillon is a memorial in Richmond, VA dedicated to the casualties of World War 1. The memorial is just down the road from my house and they light it every night until sunrise. This was a view from earlier this year just after all the trees blossomed. There were no clouds, and it hadn't been lit. It's a simple silhouette, but a common one that is well known in Richmond. The original is oil, 11x14, and is $75 if you're interested. 

Prints can be purchased for $15 for 8x10 and $20 for 11x14.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Little Free Library commission

 Another amazing Dr. Seuss inspired Little Free Library for kids. Probably my favorite one yet. This one was made to last. 

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Richmond Brewery Series - Triple Crossing Fulton

 Triple Crossing Fulton - 28th in my Richmond Brewery Series. This is the final painting of my Richmond Brewery Series. It was fun, and now I'll be moving over to painting all of the distilleries and ciders. Coasters & Prints can be ordered at my etsy store:

Monday, May 3, 2021

Richmond Brewery Series - Strangeways Brewing

 Strangeways Brewing - 27th in my Richmond Brewery Series. Coasters & Prints can be ordered at my etsy store:

Richmond City Lights

 AN OIL PAINTING I JUST FINISHED that I've titled: Richmond City Lights. The painting is a palette knife, framed in a beautiful, thin fl...