Friday, April 30, 2021

Richmond Brewery Series - Triple Crossing Downtown

Triple Crossing Downtown - 26th in my Richmond Brewery Series. Coasters & Prints can be ordered at my etsy store:

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Richmond Brewery Series - The Answer Brewpub

The Answer Brewpub - 26th in my Richmond Brewery Series. Coasters & Prints can be ordered at my etsy store:

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Richmond Brewery Series - Tabol Brewing

 Tabol Brewing - 24th in my Richmond Brewery Series. Coasters & Prints can be ordered at my etsy store:

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Richmond Brewery Series - Stone Brewing Co.

Stone Brewing Co - 23rd in my Richmond Brewery Series. 
Coasters & Prints can be ordered at my etsy store:


Monday, April 26, 2021

Richmond Brewery Series - Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery

Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery - 22nd in my Richmond Brewery Series. Coasters & Prints can be ordered at my etsy store:

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Richmond Brewery Series - Richbrau Brewing

 Richbrau Brewing - 21st in my Richmond Brewery Series. Coasters & Prints can be ordered at my etsy store:

Friday, April 23, 2021

Richmond Brewery Series - Kindred Spirit Brewing

 Kindred Spirit Brewing - 20th in my Richmond Brewery Series. Coasters & Prints can be ordered at my etsy store:

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Richmond Brewery Series - Intermission Beer Company

 Intermission Beer Company - 19th in my Richmond Brewery Series. Coasters & Prints can be ordered at my etsy store:

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Belle Isle Suspension Bridge work in progress

Lately, in addition to the breweries, I have been churning out a LOT of local work with palette knives. I did an Italian Villa-style painting several years ago, and I loved it. I was planning to do more, but got a commission to reproduce a Mira Fujita sad clown painting and kind of let it go. This year, I decided to do a few and damn...I'm in love. This is my 7th or 8th palette knife painting. All of them have already sold and after posting all the breweries, I'll begin posting some of these palette knife paintings. This one is a work in progress of the suspension bridge that leads to Belle Isle. 

For more information on Mira Fujita's work, you read more at the following link:

Richmond Brewery Series - Hardywood West Creek

Hardywood West Creek - 18th in my Richmond Brewery Series. Coasters & Prints can be ordered at my etsy store:


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Another shed painting

Working on the leaves for a painting to debut this fall. One of those lovely old shed paintings out in the country I enjoy doing so much. This is the first painting I've ever worked on where I moved things around. Some of the trees weren't in the scene, and the shed was slightly larger. The trees were close by (maybe 50 or so yards) and I put them in to kind of dwarf the shed.

Richmond Brewery Series - Garden Grove Brewing & Urban Winery

Garden Grove Brewing & Urban Winery - 17th in my Richmond Brewery Series. Coasters & Prints can be ordered at my etsy store:


Monday, April 19, 2021

Richmond Brewery Series - Final Gravity Brewing Co.

Final Gravity Brewing Co. - 16th in my Richmond Brewery Series. Coasters & Prints can be ordered at my etsy store:


Sunday, April 18, 2021

Richmond Brewery Series - Canon & Draw

Canon & Draw
15th in my Richmond Brewery Series. Coasters & Prints can be ordered at my etsy store:


Friday, April 16, 2021

Richmond Brewery Series - Legend Brewing Co.

Legend Brewing Co. - part of the Manchester area, and 14th in my Richmond Brewery Series. Coasters & Prints can be ordered at my etsy store:


Thursday, April 15, 2021

Richmond Brewery Series - Dogtown Brewing

 Dogtown Brewing - part of the Manchester area, and 13th in my Richmond Brewery Series. Coasters & Prints can be ordered at my etsy store:

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Richmond Brewery Series - Basic City Beer Co. RVA

Basic City Beer Co.-RVA - part of the Manchester area, and 12th in my Richmond Brewery Series. Coasters & Prints can be ordered at my etsy store:

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Richmond Brewery Series - Vasen Brewing Co.

Vasen Brewing Co.

Vasen is actually spelled with 2 dots over the 'a' but for the life of me, I can't get the dots in the text, but just thought I'd put it out there that the spelling is wrong but unintentional. Vasen is part of the Scott's Addition Brewery Series and eleventh in my Richmond Brewery Series. This is the last of the Scott's Addition series. There are 28 breweries in Richmond (or right on the border, like...riiight there on the border) and I will be posting them throughout the rest of the month.
Coasters & Prints of Vasen (or any of the breweries) can be ordered at my etsy store

Monday, April 12, 2021

Richmond Brewery Series - Three Notch'd Brewing Co.

Three Notch'd Brewing Company.

Part of the Scott's Addition Brewery Series and tenth in my Richmond Brewery Series. 

Coasters & Prints can be ordered at my etsy store



Sunday, April 11, 2021

My art journey

This right here, is one of only two people on this planet who truly, truly knows me. It's because of her that I've learned how to follow my passion and how to be truly authentic. She knows my art almost as well as I do. She knows pricing, inventory, and here she is without second thought, explaining to customers not how much something costs, but the story behind the art, what it means and why it was drawn. She is the reason for my success, and I'm thankful to have a partner to go on this journey with. 

Richmond Brewery Series - The Veil Brewing Co.

The Veil Brewing Co. - part of the Scott's Addition Brewery Series, and ninth in my Richmond Brewery Series. Coasters & Prints can be ordered at my etsy store:

Friday, April 9, 2021

Richmond Brewery Series - Strangeways Brewing RVA Scott's Addition

 Strangeways Brewing Scott's Addition

Part of the Scotts Addition Brewery Series and seventh in my Richmond Brewery Series.
Coasters & Prints can be ordered at my etsy store

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Richmond Brewery Series - Starr Hill Brewery

Starr Hill Brewery is the first brewery I painted and I took it on first because it looked like it was going to be the biggest challenge (angles and shit). That said, it was the first one I did a timelapse of, and didn't think to put tape down to hold it in place, so forgive the constant shifting.

Part of the Scotts Addition Brewery Series and sixth in my Richmond Brewery Series.
Coasters & Prints can be ordered at my etsy store


Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Richmond Brewery Series - Main Line Brewery

Main Line Brewery

Part of the Scotts Addition Brewery Series and fifth in my Richmond Brewery Series. 

Coasters & Prints can be ordered at my etsy store

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Richmond Brewery Series - Isley Brewing Company


Unfortunately, I didn't take too many progress pics of Isley Brewing Company. I think I may have taken progress pics of one or two more and after that, knowing I had close to 30 breweries to paint, I decided to take pics of just the completed image. Each painting took an average of 3-4 hours, so the entire set took close to 90 hours. Isley Brewing Company and Star Hill were probably my favorites to paint, but each company has its own characteristics that stand out. Vaasen, The Veil, Mainline...the list goes on and on. Each one was fun and interesting in its own way.
Isley Brewing Company is part of the Scotts Addition Brewery Series and fourth in my Richmond Brewery Series. Coasters & Prints can be ordered at my etsy store

Richmond City Lights

 AN OIL PAINTING I JUST FINISHED that I've titled: Richmond City Lights. The painting is a palette knife, framed in a beautiful, thin fl...