Thursday, February 18, 2021
James River Bridge work in progress
I started this painting about a year ago and pulled it out today to pick up where I left off. Good Lord a lot has changed. I had to go over a LOT of the old details and simplify areas. I have a painting similar to this one that I will probably never finish for personal reasons, but this one is from a happier time in my life. This bridge will be finished before the year is over, and will be a part of my Richmond painting collection. Sorry for the glare.
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Clocktower Realty Group Biggie mural
The owner of Clocktower Realty Group, Rhonda Howlett, is high energy, positive, and will motivate the living fuck out of you. She's a huge fan of hip hop and it's the line from Juicy that Biggie spouts, "it was all a dream.." where the motivation to not only dream big, but make epic shit happen, inspired her to start Clocktower Realty.
If you're in Richmond, VA and would like to stop in and see the mural, give her a call. Great agents, positive energy...
Monday, February 8, 2021
Sunday, February 7, 2021
VA Landscape progress painting
This is a progress painting of another shed out in the Blue Ridge foothills. Unfortunately, I didn't realize I positioned the camera too low, and the quality was defaulted to the lowest setting. So, instead of filming all the way through, I decided to post the video of my progress thus far, and just post the photos of the painting once I'm finished and it is varnished.
Friday, February 5, 2021
Thursday, February 4, 2021
Dairy Queen - Oil & Soil
This old cow was up on the mountain in the Blue Ridge Foothills. It was a cold morning, and fog was coming off the base of the hills below. The light was hitting her as she stared at me, and I was able to capture the most amazing photograph of her. She came up to me and let me touch her, and then moseyed off to her little group. The soil in the painting is from the area where she was standing, and it's a strong possibility that the soil contains a healthy amount of cow shit. She was recently sold to a private collector in Richmond.
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Dairy Queen - Work in progress
I will post the final image of Dairy Queen tomorrow. Basically all that was left to do on her was touchups on the fence, the soil from the mountain, and enhancing her.
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Monday, February 1, 2021
Black History Month
Yes, we are honoring Black History Month at John Price Art, but unlike the public education system we actually honor it all year long. Why? Because BLM... Black Lives Matter. We're running some specials and we'd love for you to check them out.
Dairy Queen - work in progress
Background is finished (for the most part). I've begun layering in the dirt to the mountain and the big brown blob is where the cow is going to be. The area where the trees are closest, will have fog around it and a fence in front.
Richmond City Lights
AN OIL PAINTING I JUST FINISHED that I've titled: Richmond City Lights. The painting is a palette knife, framed in a beautiful, thin fl...

This is my version of Picasso's 'Bust of a Woman Wearing a Striped Hat.' It is made from discarded cardboard and a ton of hot gl...
Here is the 98%, completed painting of Harriet Tubman: Into the Darkness. This painting took a ton of research and time; from goi...
I wanted to try and capture the Brothers Grimm fairy tale of Cinderella in the gory way it was portrayed. In the original tale, the details ...