Monday, December 14, 2020

RVA Coffee Art

If you are a fan of local coffee, have I got something for you! I visited each location and painted their storefront with the coffee they serve. There are a LOT of coffee shop drawings around Richmond, but this is the only one produced with actual coffee from each coffee shop.
For just $15, this print is 8.5x11 and took several months to complete. It is a great gift for either the coffee lover in your life, or, if you drink as much coffee as I do, a gift for yourself.
The project took several months to complete, and notecards of each coffee shop can be ordered individually from my etsy store. It's hard to pin down a favorite coffee shop, as each one delivers a superior product, followed by a warm smile, and impeccable customer service.
If you are a fan of Richmond art, this will make an excellent addition to your collection.


Jimi Hendrix timelapse


Friday, December 11, 2020

RVA Coffee Art - Crossroads Coffee & Ice Cream

Prior to Covid, this was THE place that I first felt like, 'damn, so this is what a coffee shop feels like.' My daughter absolutely LOVES the chocolate chip mint ice cream, and we can't wait for things to get back to normal. 

If you'd like to purchase a print or a notecard, just follow the etsy link and take a look around.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Cafe Clang (Lulu's) RVA Coffee Notecards

Cafe Clang isn't necessarily a coffee shop. It's connected to Lulu's which is a staple in the Shockoe Bottom area. These prints can be ordered as a 4"x6" notecard or an 8"x10" print. Just follow the link above. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Day 31 of Women I Admire is ...

Well, here we are. This is the final image in the series of Women I Admire. It’s okay if you don’t recognize who it is. This ink portrait is actually three faces combined. It is a portrait of my sisters Frances Porter, Lis Hope, and Audrey Storms. I wanted to include more, but the image was looking rough so I stopped at using these three women. Why are they so significant? I’m so glad you asked. 

The bio for this portrait will be different, as I am aware that some of my friends/family are still involved in the religious system I grew up in. By most accounts, it was a cult, and I understand those still in it, do not consider it such. Some sects of the cult are not on the extreme side, while others, many others are dangerous. Jim Jones is one of the more severe examples associated with it. Emma Watson starred in a movie centered around a sect associated with the cult called Colonia Dignidad. David Koresh was said to be inspired by the literature of the cult founder, and from there, believed his ministry was from God. As it is with all cults (and most religious groups) it’s far more terrible for women, and women coming out of the cult is a rare occasion. Women are taught to be subservient (not submissive, subservient) to their husband, many are subjected to sexual abuse, arranged marriages, and lifelong depression and extremely low self esteem. 

Frances, Lis, and Audrey, all came out of the religious cult of William Branham. They’re strong, independent, beautiful, and admirable as survivors. To them, I tip my hat, and am honored to know all three of them. 

Richmond City Lights

 AN OIL PAINTING I JUST FINISHED that I've titled: Richmond City Lights. The painting is a palette knife, framed in a beautiful, thin fl...