Saturday, October 31, 2020

Day 22 of Women I Admire is Benazir Bhutto

 Day 22 of Women I Admire is Benazir Bhutto

Benazir Bhutto is just extraordinary in every sense of the word. She was the first female Prime Minister in a Muslim-majority nation, and at the age of 35, she was the youngest elected leader in the Islamic world, the world’s youngest Prime Minister, and the youngest female Prime Minister ever elected. The Taliban claimed responsibility for her assassination, which is kind of the only thing they’re capable of doing, which speaks volumes about their shitty organization.

Friday, October 30, 2020

President Johnson Timelapse


36th President of the United States - Lyndon Baines Johnson

 Lyndon Baines Johnson - 36th President of the United States - 11x14 - Graphite

Before he entered the world of politics, President Johnson was a teacher at a tiny Hispanic school on the Mexican border. Mexico hadn’t yet paid for the wall that was supposed to be built, so he gladly taught there prior to the Great Depression. He was nearly killed in WW2, and after his nasty campaign against Kennedy, he accepted the nomination to be Kennedy’s VP. Johnson is noted for his “Great Society” program that included several civil rights bills and medicare, and bills the improved education, crime prevention and pollution reduction. Dude was working his ass off to be honest with you. 

He appointed Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court and is noted for making a decision not to run for a second term. He was an aggressive politician, and when ordering pants from Haggar Clothing, told Mr. Haggar, “the crotch down where your nuts hang, is always a little too tight. When you make them up, give me a inch that I can let out there, because they cut me, like riding a fence wire.” Every man can understand this analogy.   

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy

If you have followed my blog for several years, you already know this is a repost. When I started the presidential collection, Kennedy was one of the first 10 or so that I drew. This is from 2009. That being said, let's get into some information about President Kennedy.

John F. Kennedy - 35th President of the United States - 11x14 - Graphite

John F. Kennedy realized how effective you could be in front of a television, and fucking destroyed Nixon in their presidential debate. They were both cordial, but Nixon looked stiff and someone the nation couldn’t relate to. After the debate, Kennedy posted on his personal Facebook account, ‘Nixon was sweating like a pig lol.’ 

This televised debate is what helped Kennedy win the election. He was relatively unknown at the time. As America’s first Catholic president, he wrestled with the same ignorant ass questions that Mitt Romney faced as a Mormon. The televised debate was so effective that it would be 16 years before there was another one. Both Lyndon Johnson and later on, Nixon again, refused to participate in them because of how powerful the visual medium was. 

Kennedy’s father made such a shit ton of money bootlegging and pimping, he was able to donate his entire presidential salary to various charitable causes. He feared running against George Romney, Mitt Romney’s father, and considered dropping Johnson from his ticket. His promiscuity is no secret, but a little known secret is that he used the Secret Service to smuggle women in and out of the White House.  

Monday, October 26, 2020

Day 21 of Women I Admire is Freddie Oversteegen

 Day 21 of Women I Admire is Freddie Oversteegen

Freddie is the sister of Truus Oversteegen, and lured Nazi officers into the woods at the age of 14. Thinking they'd have a fun time with a woman barely into her teens, they'd "accidentally" run into one of her older friends who'd scold her for being out so late. From there, the Nazi officer would be stripped naked, shot, and buried in a grave that was already dug for him. Too bad she wasn't in Charlottesville when Richard Spencer and his band of merry Nazis were protesting. She spent time killing them and we're allowing them to protest in the United States. Shame...

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

34th President of the United States - Dwight D. Eisenhower

 34th President of the United States

Dwight D. Eisenhower



Ahhh…Eisenhower. Remember the presidents of old, the Washingtons and Grants and Jacksons…the ones who were military commanders and faced combat and bullets and shit? Well, Eisenhower is not one of those guys. While he was a four star general and the supreme commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe during WW2, he never actually saw combat. 

He was an avid golfer, and in an effort to ban the squirrels from fucking up his golf game on the White House lawn, he ordered them to be shot on sight. He once said, “I could stand in the middle of fifth Avenue and shoot all the squirrels, and I wouldn’t lose any voters.” No, he didn’t actually say that. No squirrels however, were actually harmed while he was president. 

He considered discrimination against minorities an actual national security issue, desegregated the military and when the Secretary of the Navy pushed back and said it wasn’t a good idea, Eisenhower told him to fuck off and said, “there must be no second class citizen in this country.” Eisenhower proposed the Civil Rights Act of 1957 & 1960, and when Arkansas refused to integrate they schools, Eisenhower sent in the 101st Airborne Division like a fucking boss.

Unfortunately, he was homophobic as fuck and over 5000 employees were fired on suspicions of being gay. Total Salem Witch Trials bullshit if you ask me. 

Read more fun adult facts about President Eisenhower and all the presidents in my upcoming book - The Big Book of Presidents for Adults.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Day 20 of my Inktober2020 series of Women I Admire is Truus Oversteegen

 Day 20 of my Inktober 2020 series of Women I Admire is Truus Oversteegen

Truus Oversteegen is the first of the Oversteegen sisters that I’m drawing. She was a Dutch sculptor and painter. During WW2, she and her sister joined the anti-Nazi Dutch armed resistance. When they were teens, they would go to an expensive bar, flirt with Nazis and lure them into the woods. They would “accidentally” run into a friend of theirs who would scold them for being in the woods. Then, the Nazi piece of shit was shot and killed, stripped naked so nobody would be able to tell who he was, and thrown into a grave that was already dug.

Pool Noodle project

 I saw this on Pinterest (yes, I'm a Pinterest whore) and thought it would be a cute ass project to put together. Pool noodles are on sale for I think .09 at Walmart and all you need is I think 4 or 5, some twine, hot glue, black paint and those little timer candles. You can paint over them depending on the season - red & green for Christmas, Pink & white for Valentine's, Green and gold for St. Patrick's Day, etc. It was fun and they look cute as hell in the fireplace. 

Monday, October 19, 2020

Day 19 of my Inktober2020 series of Women I Admire is Hedy Lamarr

 Day 19 of my Inktober2020 series of Women I Admire is Hedy Lamarr

Hedy Lamarr is a beautiful woman that I admire not only because she had an impeccable genetic code that made her gorgeous as fuck, but because of what she did with her life. She was unhappily married to a Nazi arms dealer and that marriage gave her the opportunity to learn about military technology. From there, she was able to patent the technology that was so ahead of its time that they couldn’t use it during WW2. The Navy began using her patent that allowed radio signals to jump frequencies so they couldn’t be jammed during the Cuban Missile Crisis. We still use her invention for all cell phones, fax machines (are they still around?) and just about any wireless communication available. 

33rd President of the United States - Harry S. Truman

 33rd President of the United States - Harry S. Truman - 11x14 - Graphite

Harry S. Truman’s parents are the epitome of two grown ass adults who can’t be mature. They couldn’t agree on what to name him as tribute to relatives whose names both started with the letter “S” so they settled on the letter itself. Creative fuckers, weren’t they? 

Before going into politics, he owned a haberdashery, a word that nobody uses anymore. It wasn’t successful and closed after just a few years. When the business went under, he could’ve declared bankruptcy, but said, “fuck that, I borrowed the money, I’m paying it back.” FDR kicked the bucket while getting his portrait painted by Elizabeth Shoumatoff, and Truman took office. After four years of war, Japan refused to surrender, and Truman is the president who made the decision to nuke the fuck out of them. 

He believed in Universal Healthcare, but the American Medical Association fought back, believing it would be better if private insurance company CEOs could serve the public better if they were making millions a year in bonuses for deciding what they wouldn’t cover. Coupled with the Korean War, Truman doubled the minimum wage, and reduced unemployment from 6% to 2%. 

Read fun adult facts about all the presidents in my upcoming book - The Big Book of Presidents for Adults. 

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Day 18 of my Inktober2020 series of Women I Admire is Shirley Chisholm

Day 18 of my Inktober2020 series of Women I Admire is Shirley Chisholm

Before she was a politician, she was an educator. She was the first Black Woman to serve in congress and would serve seven terms. Why did she run for Congress in the first place? Re-fucking-districting. Yeah…redistricting. That fuckery to ensure minorities stay in their place. She was outspoken and had a way with words, never biting her tongue. Her entire office was made up of women, half of them being black. 

She was a founding member of the National Black Caucus and the first Black American to run for a major political party. She was a serious candidate, and had to sue just to be included in televised debates. There were so many death threats the Secret Service had to get involved to protect her. She even had to stand up to the National Black Caucus when they showed discontent in her running…and George Wallace, former segregationist, supported her. What a fucking badass.   

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Day 17 of my Inktober2020 series of Women I Admire is Diane Nash

 Day 17 of my Inktober2020 series of Women I Admire is Diane Nash.

Diane Nash is one of the most prominent figures in the Civil Rights Movement. In a movement where mainly men dominate the landscape, her role is remarkable to say the least. She fought to secure voting rights for Black Americans and to desegregate lunch counters in America and was often arrested for refusing to back down. Some people will fight for equality by blacking out their Facebook profile for 24 hours to “make a stand” (a lot of good that shit does) but Diane Nash? She participated in dangerous sit-ins where they were taunted, harassed and bullied for over a year. She advocated for fair housing, the right to travel on buses from state to state and was instrumental in getting the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed. She’s an amazing human being who once told a bunch of southern racist cunts, “kill us or desegregate us.”

32nd President of the United States - Franklin Delano Roosevelt

32nd President of the United States - Franklin Delano Roosevelt - 11x14 - Graphite

 Before President Clinton was hanging out with Epstein and banging the fuck out of interns in the Oval Office, FDR had so many affairs that he and his cousin Eleanor almost split up. She once described sex to be “an ordeal” and by the time of his death, their relationship was more of a political partnership and rarely saw each other.

But, he’s the guy who completely abandoned the Gold System and got us out of the Great Depression. In one of the biggest collective punishment dick moves in American history, he imprisoned as many Japanese, German, and Italian Americans as he could during WW2. The Supreme Court struck down several of his New Deal laws, and because he was a vindictive cunt, he tried to expand the justices from nine to 15. By the time he kicked the bucket in the middle of his fourth term, seven of the nine were his appointees. (Vote kiddies, vote.) 

Don’t get it twisted though, he did a lot of good with his New Deal. He created the Social Security Administration, made an amazing speech after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, passed the Emergency Banking Act (which brought stability to the market), the FDIC, the National Minimum Wage, the PWA, Fair Employment Act, and helped end prohibition. There’s more, but I’ll write about it in my Big Book of Presidents for Adults…the Drunk History version of presidents.  

Friday, October 16, 2020

Day 16 of Inktober2020 series of Women I Admire is Bessie Coleman

 Before JLo was a flygirl, Bessie Coleman was an actual flygirl. She was an American aviator and first black and Indigenous woman to earn a pilot’s license and the first Black person of any gender to earn an international pilot’s license. Because flying schools were made up of a bunch of ignorant dicks, she taught herself French, moved to France, and earned her license there. She was a pioneer of women in the field of aviation at a time when such a thing was unheard of, flying through the segregated south and refusing to back down when every fucking odd was stacked against her.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Day 15 of Inktober2020 series of Women I Admire is Susan B. Anthony

 Day 15 of my Inktober2020 series of Women I Admire is Susan B. Anthony

What can I say about Susan B. Anthony that you don’t already know. She was fucking epic in every sense of the word. That 19th Amendment? She was instrumental in getting that shit passed. You don’t want to vote? Fine! I support your right. But this queen was arrested for voting. Why? Because she had a fucking vagina, that’s why. She was ordered to pay a $100 fine, but she had literally zero fucks and never paid it. And that purse you carry? That’s a literal symbol of the emancipation of women because women couldn’t even own property or make their own money at the time. She cashed out her own life insurance policy to raise funding to persuade the University of Rochester to admit women. She’s the first woman to appear on a U.S. coin, and she’s a fucking boss. So yeah, be an asshole and don’t vote, but at least be thankful for those who came before you and the price they paid so you could be an ungrateful asshat.

31st President of the United States - Herbert Hoover

 Herbert Hoover - 31st President of the United States - 11x14 - Graphite

While President Obama received a Nobel Peace Prize for…something that we’re still not sure of, President Hoover was nominated five times. The Great Depression wasn’t his fault, but he’s the patsy that was in office when it happened. When WWI broke out, he made sure 120,000 American tourists stranded overseas would get home safely, and he spearheaded the operation to ensure over 15 million who were starving in the Soviet Union would be fed. He once tweeted, “whatever their politics, they shall be fed.” And then they fucked with our elections to thank us for this. He was an orphan, and raised by Quakers. There was an attempt to blackmail him dancing with a black woman, which he found comical, as he had zero fucks to give about such pettiness. After his presidency, he wrote dozens of books and he wasn’t invited to the ceremony of the dedication of Hoover Dam because Harold Ickes believed that even though he ensured it would be built, he “had very little to do with the dam.” What a cunt.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Day 14 of my Inktober2020 series of Women I Admire is Ida B. Wells

 Day 14 of my Inktober2020 series of Women I Admire is Ida B. Wells

Ida B. Wells was born into slavery, and became a journalist, activist, and led a crusade against lynching in the United States. She was assaulted on a train, fought back, took them to court, and won. Unfortunately, the Tennessee Supreme Court took it back. She put her life at risk by going to the south to gather information on lynchings. She was terrorized and warned she’d be killed if she ever returned. She was an early founder of the NAACP, and petitioned President Woodrow Wilson to put an end to discriminatory hiring practices in government. Unfortunately, he was a racist dick, but she continued to fight for equality until her death at 68. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Day 13 of my Inktober2020 series of Women I Admire is - Tina Fey

 Day 13 of Inktober2020 Women I Admire series is Tina Fey

A graduate of UVA, this woman is to be admired all around. I can’t say enough good things about her without sounding creepy as fuck. She’s accomplished so much in the entertainment industry, from being the “Hi,” lady at Mutual Savings Bank, and the first woman head writer at SNL, to using Mean Girls to push back against stereotypes of women in math and being the youngest Mark Twain Prize winner. She's funny as hell and has done a fuck ton of charitable work for veterans and something near to my own heart, autism, with Autism Speaks. And let’s be honest, Alec Baldwin’s Trump impersonation has nothing on Tina Fey’s spot-on Sarah Palin. 

30th President of the United States - Calvin Coolidge

 Calvin Coolidge - 30th President of the United States - Graphite

Under Coolidge’s administration, the national debt of $22.3 billion in 1923 was lowered to $16.9 billion by 1929, which is approximately how much our government spends every 24 hours. He signed legislation making Indians U.S. citizens, because there’s nothing like becoming a citizen in a country that pillaged the fuck out of you. However, there was a decline of the terrorist groups Ku Klux Klan because Coolidge couldn’t stand the cunts, and he consistently pushed anti-lynching legislation that congress refused to sign. He was known as Silent Cal because he didn’t talk much and wasn’t big on tweeting. He once made the statement, “Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.”

Monday, October 12, 2020

Day 12 of my Inktober2020 series of Women I Admire is - Annie Jump Cannon

 Day 12 of my Inktober2020 series of Women I Admire is Annie Jump Cannon.

In a day where women were strongly discouraged from getting an education, voting, and basically thinking for themselves, there was Annie Jump Cannon. While the Karens of the world use the stars to see if they have a romantic match on their Tinder swipe, Annie actually knew them, and made some of the biggest contributions in the field of astronomy. Her standard of classifying stars is still used to today, and she could identify almost a half a million stars. She discovered 300 variable stars, five novas, and one spectroscopic binary, creating a bibliography that included about 200,000 references, which, according to wikipedia, is some amazing shit. 

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Day 11 of Inktober2020 Women I Admire is - Marie Curie

 Day 11 of my series of 31 women I admire is Marie Curie.

Marie Curie is the first person to win the Nobel Prize in 2 different categories. She discovered Radium and Polonium, and busted her ass in science because getting an education as a woman was not an easy task. She is responsible for changing our understanding of radiation. Fun fact? Her coffin is lined with almost an inch of lead because she’s still radioactive. And her notebooks? They’re so radioactive that it’s said they’ll still be that way for another 1500 years.  

29th President of the United States - Warren Gamaliel Harding

Warren Gamaliel Harding

29th President of the United States


Before Donald Trump was grabbing women by the pussy and having multiple mistresses for the evangelicals to support, there was Warren G. Harding, having a child out of wedlock and extramarital affairs for decades. 2 of his cabinet members were arrested for corruption, and a fuckton of scandals damaged his reputation. His wife’s father threatened to kill him if he married her because of his black ancestry. Often when a company tells its employees “we’re a family,” they treat them like shit. But not Warren G. Harding. When he owned and ran the Marion Star newspaper, he never ran a critical story if he could avoid it, shared profits with the employees, and in his entire career, never fired a single employee. Though he voted for and supported prohibition, he and his wife alongside close friends, would get shitfaced at the White House.  

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Day 10 of my Inktober 2020 series of Women I Admire is Malala Yousafazai


Day 10 of my series of 31 women I admire is Malala Yousafazai.

If it’s one thing the If it’s one thing the Taliban hate more than their reputation for fucking donkeys, it’s educated women. In Pakistan, they banned all women from receiving an education and when she refused to comply, they hunted her down. They threatened to kill everybody on the bus she was on if she didn’t reveal her identity. She told the Taliban to suck a dick and die. Unfortunately for her, they didn’t like that kind of language and shot her. Unfortunately for them, she survived, and has refused to back down on pushing education for women. 

Friday, October 9, 2020

Day 9 of Inktober2020 Women I Admire - Jane Austen

Day 9 of my series of 31 women I admire is Jane Austen.

Why Jane Austen? I’m so glad you asked. For starters, she brewed her own beer from scratch. The publishing world was male dominated, and women were discouraged from writing. But Jane Austen could foresee into the future, and knew that the Hallmark Channel would need shit for hopeless romantic bitches everywhere.

She wrote simple stories that have stood up for over 200 years. She wrote a book about 4 women who were looking for a husband and it became a best-seller. Then, she wrote a book about 3 women looking for a husband…another best-seller. When she got finished with that shit, she wrote a book about 2 women looking for a husband, and again…best-seller. And then to put a cherry on top, she wrote Emma, the story of 1 woman looking for a husband.  

28th President of the United States - Woodrow Wilson

Woodrow Wilson - 28th President of the United States - Graphite

President Woodrow Wilson is the last of 8 presidents to have been born in Virginia, and the only one buried in Washington D.C. As a child, he stood next to Robert E. Lee and watched Jefferson Davis at a procession in Augusta, which probably fueled his love for racist movies. Birth of a Nation, a movie that glorified the Klan, was screened at the White House, and he re-segregated (yes, you read that right - re-segregated) many branches of the federal workplace. Wilson was such a cunt that he instituted the Federal Reserve (a private bank) and he signed the 18th amendment, that ushered in prohibition. What a dick. But, he also signed the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote (at least he got one thing right). It was at this point, that Grover Cleveland turned in his grave. 

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Day 8 of #inktober2020 Women I Admire - Michelle Obama

 Day 8 of my series of 31 women I admire is Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama is a woman that I have admired for many years. While racist jackasses have referred to her as ‘ghetto,’ she has degrees from both Princeton and Harvard. While practicing law, she was assigned to mentor her future husband, and she is one of 3 former first ladies who have a postgraduate degree. Mrs. Obama is the former VP of the University of Chicago Medical Center, Associate Dean of the University of Chicago, and she earned more than Barack while he was running for president.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Day 7 of Inktober2020's series of Women I Admire - Dr. Maya Angelou

 Day 7 of my series of 31 women I admire is Maya Angelou

When you think about women who are authentic, Maya Angelou comes to mind. Her words of wisdom, countless quotes, inspiring poems…are worth the greatest of admiration. 

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you,” 

“Never make someone a priority, when all you are to them, is an option,” 

“Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud,” 

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude,” 

and the famous quote that countless basic bitches have plagiarized, “Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away.”

27th President of the United States - William Howard Taft

 27th President of the United States - William Howard Taft - Graphite

President Taft is the first president to throw the first pitch of baseball season, and the first to take up golf, something that President Trump is forever grateful for. He also kept a cow named Pauline at the White House to provide organic milk, free of additives. He was the poster boy for the fat acceptance movement, actually getting stuck in the White House tub. He fought for the construction of the U.S. Supreme Court building, and preferred being a supreme court justice over president. People jokingly said his last name was an acronym for Take Advice From Teddy…people can be so mean. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Day 6 of Inktober2020 Women I Admire - Claudette Colvin

Day 6 of my series of 31 women I admire is Claudette Colvin

9 months before James F. Blake told Rosa Parks to give up her seat, Claudette Colvin was a 15 year old child in Montgomery Alabama who was arrested for refusing to give up her seat. She was sexually harassed by the police officers, but she stood her ground like a fucking boss! Unfortunately, she was pregnant, didn’t have “good hair” and too dark for the Civil Rights Movement, so they ignored her for the most part. I’ve always admired her and never understood why she has never been given her due. She was a part of the landmark case Browder v. Gayle that challenged bus segregation.  

Monday, October 5, 2020

Day 5 of Women I Admire - Angela Davis

 Day 5 of my series of 31 women I admire is Angela Davis.

If you don’t know who she is, she’s controversial, and she doesn’t give a fuck. She stood up to the government in court, fought false allegations against her, and won!

26th President of the United States - Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt

26th President of the United States


Because some dick decided to assassinate William McKinley, his VP, Theodore Roosevelt became the youngest president to fill the Oval Office. He was the first president to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, the only one to win the Medal of Honor (posthumously), he was obsessed with growing the size of the Navy, was a distant cousin to FDR, and was at Lincoln’s funeral procession. He had the worst Valentine’s Day, when both his mom and wife passed away. He was a proud member of the Hasty Pudding Club (you may know Hasty Pudding from the Grammy Award winning song, ‘Yankee Doodle’). And, he didn’t swear in on a Bible, something the Religious Right has never forgiven him for.  

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Day 4 of Inktober - Women I Admire - Irena Sendler

 Day 4 of my series of 31 women I admire is Irena Sendler.

While Al Gore was getting a Nobel Peace Prize for a documentary, Yasser Arafat for lobbing missiles into Israel, and Rigoberta Menchú for her partly fictitious memoirs, Irena Sendler was ignored by the committee. During WWII, she risked her life to save over 2,500 Jewish children from concentration camps and being slaughtered. She died in 2008 at the age of 98. 

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Day 3 of Inktober - Women I Admire - Mary Edwards Walker

 Day 3 of my series of 31 women I admire is Mary Edwards Walker.

Just over 3500 people have won the Medal of Honor, and only ONE of them is a woman. One? Serious? Anyway...Mary Edwards Walker was an  abolitionist, prohibitionist, prisoner of war and surgeon. Two years before she died, the Army removed her name from the MOH list, but reinstated it in 1977. She put up with a lot of shit because she refused to wear stereotypical women’s outfits. She would go into enemy territory and care for the wounded when nobody had the balls to do it. 

25th President of the United States - William McKinley

 William McKinley - 25th President of the United States - Graphite

President McKinley just looks like that asshole who would fire you right before you retire. He joined the Union Army at the age of 18 and served under future president Rutherford B. Hayes. When the battleship Maine was destroyed off the coast of Cuba, the Spanish-American War broke out and within months, we beat the shit out of Spain’s navy, giving the United States control of Cuba, the Philippine Islands, and Puerto Rico, three nations that are not oil-rich nations, sooo … yeah. His wife hated the color yellow so much that she had anything in the White House yellow, removed. Six months into his presidency, he was shot and killed by anarchist Leon Czolgosz at the Temple of Music in Buffalo, NY. The crowd grabbed Leon and beat the shit out of him as the president was whisked away in an ambulance. McKinley’s face is on the $500 bill, something I have never seen in person. 

Friday, October 2, 2020

Inktober 2020 - Women I Admire - Ruth Bader Ginsburg

 Day 2 of my series of 31 women I admire is none other than the Honorable Ruth Bader Ginsburg who made one of my favorite quotes, "women belong in all places where decisions are being made."

Richmond City Lights

 AN OIL PAINTING I JUST FINISHED that I've titled: Richmond City Lights. The painting is a palette knife, framed in a beautiful, thin fl...