Monday, August 31, 2020

I'm not big on sticking with one brand when it comes to art supplies - each brand brings something different to the table. This will be my last portrait on #cansonpaper 

I've used their paper for years, but lately, the quality has seriously gone downhill. As I'm drawing, if #graphite or #charcoal brushes up against sections of the paper, these little black spots remain that are impossible to erase. 

You can see this just to the left of General Grant's ear, below the clothing in the bottom and in sections where the earlobe meets the face.

While this may not seem like such a big deal, it does affect the overall quality of a portrait or drawing, and that isn't something I'm willing to compromise on. 

Thursday, August 27, 2020

16th President of the United States - Abraham Lincoln

 Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of the United States - Graphite

An iconic figure in American history, with the exception of Jesus, Lincoln has more books written about him than any other person, over 15,000. He created the Secret Service just a few hours before he was assassinated - their original mission though was to combat counterfeiting. He’s the only president to have a patent, and his son’s life was saved by Edwin Booth, the brother of John Wilkes Booth. While he is known as the Great Emancipator, the document he’s known for only freed those slaves living in states not under Union control. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Graduation portrait commission

Sometimes we wish we could go back and get a photo with someone from our past - a grandmother, mom, uncle, etc. but circumstances make it impossible. This recent commission afforded me the opportunity to take multiple photographs and put them together to create a pose as though everyone was there together. Both the son and daughter were unable to have their grandfather at their graduation.

If you ever wanted a portrait of you and a loved one, or with your children, let me know and we can make something happen.


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Kansas City commission


Kansas City - Oil - 18x24

Kansas City Print
11x14 - $48.46
14x20 - $58.46
$8.46 of each sale will go to the Virginia Innocence Project

Sunday, August 23, 2020

15th President of the United States - James Buchanan

 James Buchanan - 15th President of the United States - Graphite

James Buchanan, is the last president before the Civil War. He was a weak president who hated the presidency, and for the most part was indecisive about almost everything. He morally opposed slavery but believed it was protected by the Constitution, believed in the right to secession, and it was under his presidency, that the raid at Harper’s Ferry occurred. He was a lifelong bachelor, and because of his close relationship with William King, it is often suspected that he was gay, he and King were referred to as “Miss Nancy” and “Aunt Fancy.”

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Kansas City Work In Progress

 Finishing up this commission tonight. It's cloudy out tonight, going to have some wine, sit with my baby, paint, and just relax. 

Thursday, August 20, 2020

14th President of the United States - Franklin Pierce


Franklin Pierce 

14th President of the United States


Franklin Pierce is another of the forgotten presidents, and his life, on a personal level, was unfortunate. He was an alcoholic, and his wife suffered from depression all of her life. All 3 of his children died young, his youngest was decapitated by a train on the way to his inauguration - an event he personally witnessed. He was a pro slavery president, who was responsible for Bleeding Kansas, a mini civil war between pro- and anti-slavery forces that occurred in Kansas from 1856 to 1865. He felt that slavery was a social and political evil, but felt the abolitionist movement should be crushed. 

Monday, August 17, 2020

Kansas City commission

This will most likely be the last commission I finish at my old place before the big move. I have commissions out the ass, as well as a series of Richmond breweries, coffee, and local restaurants that I'm working on. Hope to be finished with this one by the end of the week, no later than Wednesday of next week. 

13th President of the United States - Millard Fillmore

Millard Fillmore
13th President of the United States

Millard Fillmore is one of those obscure presidents nobody really remembers. He is responsible for the Compromise of 1850 that basically compromised on the issue of slavery. He was adamantly opposed to slavery, but the south was already planning to secede at this time. He’s also responsible for the Fugitive Slave Act and admitting California to the nation.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

12th President - Zachary Taylor

Zachary Taylor 
12th President of the United States

Zachary Taylor was born in Orange County, VA, and was a descendant of William Brewster, a Pilgrim, Mayflower immigrant, and a signer of the Mayflower Compact. He was also related to President James Madison, and Robert E. Lee. Before becoming president, he had a long military career, and never attended college or held public office. He died while in office from contaminated cherries and milk.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Sasquatch and Moonshine


Headed out to Meadows of Dan out in the Blue Ridge Mountains to see the Sasquatch commission hanging up at the Buffalo Mountain Ziplines. They haven't framed it just yet, but I got to watch it go up. Later on in the month it'll be completely framed and they'll start some tours. There's also an original moonshine still that the ATF blew the shit out of back in the 1950s. I don't want to post too many pics because the moonshine tours are still in the works, but the owner took us out to the original still. They have some of the original barrels complete with bullet holes, and the original cars that were used to transport the moonshine that were blown apart. I'll be doing some commissioned moonshine paintings within the next few months and I'm looking forward to making my art a part of the Blue Ridge Mountain area. 

Friday, August 7, 2020

VCU Health National Arts Program

 VCU Health's 15th Annual National Arts Program - Monumental Change: Voice of the Unheard placed 1st. Check out the video below. If the video won't work, there's a link you can click on.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

11 President James Knox Polk

James Knox Polk

11th President of the United States


President Polk introduced Americans to the prepaid postage stamp, and didn't give much thought to the issue of slavery (probably because he owned 20 people). He worked 12 hour days, only took 27 days off work (take note President Trump) and had actual office hours where any American could drop by.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Little Free Library Commission

Dr. Seuss Library Commission.
It was hot out there today, but I enjoyed finishing this up.
These little libraries in residential neighborhoods are a great way to share the books you love with others, while reading what your neighbors read. This particular one is at 6703 Patterson Avenue.
Take a book, leave a book ... and sign the guest book.

Neighborhood Library Commission

My next project - one of those outdoor libraries on Patterson Avenue. I was commissioned to paint a reading theme on the side of it. Started it the other day but the rain just kept screwing up the operation. Hope to be finished later on today.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Late Night Love With KD

What if you met the woman of your dreams … the person you fell madly in love with and wanted to spend the rest of your life with ... only for her to move away and disconnect from you? What if you could find a way to bring her back into your life for good?

That’s just what happened to Matthew, an easy going bartender who thought he’d met the love of his life. Bethany was everything he wanted in a woman, but he wasn’t exactly everything she wanted in a man.

He’s desperate ... obsessed ... heartbroken. In an attempt to win her back, he believes he has found a way to convince her to stay.

But what if she rejects him? What if she doesn’t stay? What if she leaves again? Those are a lot of ‘what ifs’ … 
Guess there’s only one way to find out.

Late Night Love With KD is a Short Story that was inspired by the Delilah Show, where people call in and tell stories about their sappy love stories and heartbreak. This thriller starts out like a cheesy romance novel, but explores the fantasies of a man who becomes obsessed. 

It's toxic masculinity at its finest. 

Follow the link below to purchase your copy. 

Monday, August 3, 2020

About My Next Book ...

What if you met the woman of your dreams…the person you fell madly in love with and wanted to spend the rest of your life with...only for her to move away and disconnect from you? What if you could find a way to bring her back into your life for good?

That’s just what happened to Matthew, an easy going bartender who thought he’d met the love of his life. Bethany was everything he wanted in a woman, but he wasn’t exactly everything she wanted in a man. 

He’s desperate. In an attempt to win her back, he believes he has found a way to convince her to stay. 

But what if she rejects him? What if she doesn’t stay? What if she leaves again? Those are a lot of ‘what ifs’…

Guess there’s only one way to find out. 

If you're familiar with my blog, you already know I write and publish short stories. My next one, Late Night Love With KD will be available for purchase tomorrow, August 3. It starts out like a cheesy romance, but turns dark. As it is with all my books, this one has a twist ending. 

Sunday, August 2, 2020

10. John Tyler

John Tyler
2nd President of the United States

John Tyler, like seven other presidents, is from Virginia. He assumed office without being elected, as his predecessor, William Henry Harrison, died while in office. A strong advocate of States Rights, it is believed that this influenced the Civil War. He fathered 15 children, and is one of 2 presidents buried at Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, VA.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Del's Shed

Del's Shed
Oil and Mixed Media
Framed (or unframed if you're ordering a print)

This beautiful shed was on the side of the road, almost covered by trees when we saw it. I was looking for a shed to paint, and this one ... the moment I saw it ... I knew I had to paint it. It is framed with a gorgeous wood frame from Rick's Frame on Patterson Avenue. There is sand from the land that the shed is on, ground into the paint. A few years ago I discovered my love for old sheds and have never looked back. This will make a beautiful addition to your collection of art by John Price.

As it is with all orders, 8.46 will go to The Virginia Innocence Project.

$1700 for the original
Prints start at $28.46

Mount Ranier 1 of 2

ALL OF THE WORK THAT I post on my blog now is about my professional journey. I rarely show personal work because it's not something tha...