Sunday, June 28, 2020

Lee Monument Work In Progress

Work In Progress. All the pencil work will be finished today but the color of the graffiti will take a day or so to do. 

Friday, June 26, 2020

Lee Monument - Work In Progress

After a ton of both positive and negative responses, as well as some hate emails (literally) I decided to take the Pleinair painting and ramp it up. The other day I posted a work in progress pic, and this is just showing my progress. Once I get finished, I plan to paint the graffiti in color. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Lee Monument

Since I got such a positive response from the pleinair painting, I decided to do a high detailed drawing of the statue. Standby. 

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Maria & Ronnie

Maria & Ronnie

This portrait commission is particularly special to me because of the story behind the two. I grew up in a cult, and about the age of 8 or 9, the Rider Family began coming to church with us. They had 2 sons and 2 daughters. I was friends with their oldest son, Jerry who was around the same age as me. Unfortunately, Jerry drowned when we were both 14 in the same lake that my brother would drown in a few years later. After I left the cult, I lost touch with everyone, but a few years ago, Stacy, Maria's daughter got in contact with me through Facebook. Then, I was able to reconnect with her mom and dad, and sister. In 2015, I got a phone call from my mom that Ronnie, Maria's son, was involved in a serious motorcycle accident. Unfortunately, he will most likely never regain consciousness. While I was honored to be able to draw this portrait for Maria, it was also a sorrowful experience. 

Friday, June 19, 2020

Fourth President - James Madison

James Madison
Fourth President of the United States
Graphite & Charcoal

Our fourth president, James Madison was the shortest president, is the one of only two who signed the Constitution, and much like many politicians today, never held a job outside of politics. He had few hobbies (chess) and is on the $5,000 bill.

Monday, June 15, 2020

3rd President - Thomas Jefferson

Our third president, Thomas Jefferson doubled the size of the country with the Louisiana Purchase. He was a prolific writer, who wrote the Declaration of Independence, and helped popularize ice cream in the United States, something I’m very grateful for. He harvested opium, was a wine connoisseur, helped found the University of Virginia, and died on the same day as John Adams, our second president. He once wrote that he believed the practice of slavery was unjust and trembled at the idea of God exacting vengeance on those who perpetuated it, but wrote this while owning one of the largest slave plantations in Virginia, half of them under the age of 16.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

2nd President John Adams

John Adams
2nd President of the United States
Of the first 5 presidents, he was the only non slave owner, and non Virginian. He was also embarrassed when his personal diary was read aloud and laughed at by Congress.

Monday, June 1, 2020

President George Washington

George Washington

This is a repost from a years ago, but I've started the series again, and plan to draw each president and some facts about each one. At, it reads "A tall and robust man, Washington survived multiple life-threatening situations. At various points, Washington had diptheria, tuberculosis, smallpox, malaria, dysentery, Quinsy, carbuncle and pneumonia. He survived near drowning in an ice-clogged river. He survived the burning and massacre of Fort Necessity. He survived two horses being shot out from under him and four bullets passing close enough to pierce his clothing—all in one battle."

Damn ...

Richmond City Lights

 AN OIL PAINTING I JUST FINISHED that I've titled: Richmond City Lights. The painting is a palette knife, framed in a beautiful, thin fl...