Thursday, May 28, 2020

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

John R. Hodgson

Fine Art Portrait of American hero, veteran and POW, John R. Hodgson

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Horse Portrait Commission

Horse commission
I did something different in this than I usually do. I did a contour line around the main subjects. I kind of like the effect, but at the same time, I'm torn on it.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Presidential Series

Starting sometime either next week or the week after, I will begin posting images of a series that I’ve been working on of the Presidents of the United States. This is a series I started several years ago, but then as it is with all things, life kind of got in the way. At some point, I would pick the series up, and then put it back down. Recently, I’ve begun to work at the portraits again, and I plan to have all 44 presidents drawn. This will take some time, and I may not add to the album regularly, or in order, but I will complete the series. 

While posting images of the presidents, I understand some people take politics so serious, that they can’t even discuss issues without becoming angered and even hateful. It’s not uncommon to watch people on both sides of the issues insult and bash each other. However, I have no desire to engage in such … I only plan to draw the image of the 44 men who held the office of the presidency. I can disagree with his policies and things he did, while respecting the office he held. 

I will only post the image of the president, and a few facts, as positive as I can make them. Yes, there are those who I dread drawing because of what they did - such as Andrew Jackson, a murderous, genocidal maniac who should’ve been brought up on war crimes. However, my respect for the office dwells in the insane amount of pressure they have with the power that comes with the office. Some, wield it like a toy gun they just got on Christmas, while others seem to understand how remarkable the office is. 

Back in 2018, I had the pleasure of going to the Smithsonian to the National Portrait Gallery. This reignited the spark to want to pick the series back up. Every president has done both good and bad, and I don’t have to like the person, to respect the office they hold. Because this has been a passion, some of the images (like Washington and JFK, for example) will be reposts. I hope you enjoy the series.

Friday, May 8, 2020

The Price of Equality

Soldiers in war-torn Iraq face a language barrier, 120 degree temperatures, suicide bombers and months away from family. "I thought he had a gun," or "I felt threatened" is not an acceptable excuse, and that soldier can face a prison sentence or a courts martial.
And yet here in the United States, those two excuses are used in almost every situation from law enforcement and (in this recent murder of Ahmaud Arbery) citizens who "felt threatened," without having to face half of the stress a soldier does. 
This is unacceptable behavior. The lynchings from the Klan didn't stop after Jim Crow, the uniforms were just changed.

William & Mary Commencement Portrait Commission

Richmond City Lights

 AN OIL PAINTING I JUST FINISHED that I've titled: Richmond City Lights. The painting is a palette knife, framed in a beautiful, thin fl...