Saturday, April 11, 2020

Del's Shed - Work In Progress

I had planned to get this finished by Easter Sunday but unfortunately ... it ain't happening. I'm getting down to where I can only work on small sections at a time. I still have a lot to do with all those trees and limbs.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Detail on the tree

Close up of the small tree in front of the shed. I painted the darker leaves first, let them dry, then the branches, let them dry, and then the foreground leaves.

Morgan Freeman

Morgan Freeman
Prints $25
Original $200

Monday, April 6, 2020

Del's Shed - Work In Progress

I have begun painting in all those tiny details on the twigs and branches. While one side is drying, I'll do the smaller trees on the right, and then back and forth. The plan is to finish this by Easter Sunday.

Friday, April 3, 2020

When I’m bored, I have this habit of zoning out and just kind of sketching whatever comes to mind. I just let the ink pen go. This is why I failed most of my classes in school. I have a small notebook filled with sketches I used to do in Physics (part of the reason I failed). I decided to take some of those sketches and turn them into fun paintings. If they turn out fine, great. If not, no biggie.

Mount Ranier 1 of 2

ALL OF THE WORK THAT I post on my blog now is about my professional journey. I rarely show personal work because it's not something tha...