Wednesday, June 6, 2018

E. Canal Street

The original, unframed is 24x36 in oil.
Unframed, $1,700
Framed - $2000
Print of the same size is $150 unframed
If you want a smaller print 12x18 it's $75

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Friday, June 1, 2018

I was doing some sightseeing in Richmond, looking for something to paint and after awhile, a lot of the landmark scenes seemed so cliched. I spent a great deal of the day walking and couldn't find anything that stuck out. I was driving to the office and something about this intersection caught my eye, so I just took a pic. Nothing remarkable about it. I completed other paintings but kept coming back to this one pic. I zoomed in and thought, "I have GOT to paint that." To be honest, it's just a cityscape, nothing deep or moody about it. It's just buildings on East Canal Street.

Richmond City Lights

 AN OIL PAINTING I JUST FINISHED that I've titled: Richmond City Lights. The painting is a palette knife, framed in a beautiful, thin fl...