Friday, December 25, 2015

If Only For One Night

My book, If Only For One Night, can be purchased at the following outlets:

Downloaded on Kindle at Amazon.

Also, you can like and share the Facebook Fan Page:

Monday, December 14, 2015

First Book Sold!!!

This nice lady sent me a selfie with her book. She purchased the book within minutes of it going on sale. If you'd like to get your own copy, check out the link below. It's also available on Kindle by the way.

Friday, December 11, 2015

My book

My first novel, 'If Only For One Night' is now available at createspace:
and Amazon

President Reagan

President Reagan
Commissioned Piece

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Parting with a painting

There are very few pieces of my art that I become emotionally attached to. Because I understand and know that we can't take anything with us when we die, I'm willing to part ways with my artwork. This one was difficult. It was one of my favorite pieces. I hope it brings her many years of enjoyment.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Inspired by my time in Alaska. Unfortunately, this piece has no title. It's a simple landscape.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Memory Lane

Somebody on my Facebook pulled up this image. It's the second t-shirt design I ever did. I did this for my senior class back in 1998. Talk about coming a long way.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

My Book Cover

This is the completed cover for my book 'If Only For One Night.' It's oil painted, so there is some drying time. Next week, the photographer will come over and she really has her work cut out for her. You see that glare on the left hand side? Yeah ... that's going to be fun to work around.

Monday, September 14, 2015

My Book Cover

So I messed up the couple on the front and had to go back over the background and retrace some of the buildings. The woman's booty was too low, and the man's hair was way too high. I wasn't feeling it, so I decided to start over.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

My Book Cover

It's still not finished, but it's getting there. I need to do touch ups on the lady and then I'll start that nice, hazy, blue background. Should be finish by Wednesday. Friday it gets photographed, and then from there ... off to the publisher.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

My Book Cover

Progress thus far. Yes ... the images I have begun posting are low res. I've gotten a few emails about that. Why? You want to steal my work and post it as your own? Fine. Take a low res image of it.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

My Book Cover

So the basic outline of the buildings are finished. Next comes the water and bridges and then the detailing of the buildings. Putting the window in and then the silhouette of the lovers. 
Moving and buying a new house ... never an easy thing to do. Never.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Most Empty Feeling Part II

Earlier in this posting, I talked about my strained relationship with my father in law. My wife is black. Does that matter? Not to most educated and civilized people in the world. But some people are assholes and race relations mean so much to them, that they’d prefer not to deal with people whose skin color is different. My father was a racist at heart, and I believe my father in law is too. Nothing I’ve done has ever been good enough for him. 

I could go through a whole list of things he never liked about me, but it would be pointless and unnecessary. Imagine having someone in your life that, no matter what you do, it’s never good enough - whether it’s an ex girlfriend, or family member, or boss - it’s never good enough, and you’re always the problem ... never them ... you. Okay ... enough of that. 

My religious background was never good enough for my in laws. Mind you, they were never dedicated church goers, but as far back as I can remember, I was always in church - twice on Sunday, once on Wednesday, prayer meetings, revivals, you name it. The reason I’m bringing this up is because even though my father in law was never really into church, he always knew more about the bible than I did, and my ways of raising the children was wrong. Plain and simple. Oh yeah, my beliefs were wrong too. 
A few years ago, he started going to church and became a regular church goer. At the same time, he began studying on the side with a Jehovah’s Witness - gotta love those people. In time, his pastor was wrong too ... my father in law knew more than the man who was preaching. 

At this time, I had quit going to church, as I realized the belief system I’d been taught was bullshit. By this time, my father in law was full on Jehovah’s Witness. Just for those of you who are not Jehovah’s Witness, they’re very anti politics, anti military, just absolute weirdos. Nice people ... just weird. 

Remember how I said that most of my early professional work was political and military related? Yeah ... father in law was given a lot of it. But now that he was a Jehovah’s Witness, he could no longer have that stuff in his house. Anything political and military related artwork was thrown in the trash. 

I’ll let that sink in. 

When I give someone my artwork or sell it to them, I have this attitude that, it’s theirs. They can do with it whatever they like. I’m not attached to it. It belongs to them. It wasn’t that my father in law had trashed the artwork that bothered me the most. Of course, it bothered me greatly, but the fact that I’d put him in charge of my artwork upon an untimely death. Imagine if I’d passed and an entire legacy of work, years and years of training, thrown in the trash. It’s no different than what ISIS did to the art from the city of Nimrud. Those artists who will never be known - their legacy reduced to rubble. 

That’s what would’ve happened to my legacy had he obtained my work. And everything I worked a lifetime to achieve would be shit now. Everything.

The saddest part of the whole thing ... the part that really pisses me off, is that he later realized that some of the beliefs he had were bullshit. He didn’t even have the audacity to call. He put a posting on Facebook to apologize. Imagine that - imagine he had obtained all that artwork, destroyed it, and then realized he shouldn’t have done it. 

The feeling I have in my stomach is so empty. I wish I could end this post off in a positive note, but I can’t. It’s just ... empty. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The most empty feeling Part I

This posting is going to go ALL over the place. But there's a story in there ... I think. 

A few months ago, the terrorist group ISIS blew up some of the most amazing archeological treasures from the ancient city of Nimrud. These treasures were priceless, and as an artist, quite haunting to look at. The only thing we have to remember them, are the stories that were gleaned while they were intact, and the photographs that were taken. Everything else ... gone.

I can’t imagine what that must be like - to create a priceless treasure, only to have it destroyed by a religious fanatic. 

Throughout the years, I’ve created hundreds of works of art, and for the most part, am very generous with it. I’ve sold thousands of dollars in art sales, and at the same time, I’ve given pieces away - ranging from free portraits, to landscapes, you name it. My father was always supportive of my work but at the same time, he could be discouraging. Like most people who are not artists, he told me (along with just about every adult in my life - pastor and guidance counselors included) that you can’t make a living as an artist. You have to go and get a job and hopefully you’ll become famous. You make your money as an artist after you’re dead.

Kinda sad ...

When I first got out of the Army, most of my early professional work was either religious, political, or military related. Rarely was it a basic landscape or something serene; there was always a story behind it. I couldn’t just paint or draw because I had talent, each piece had to have something behind it that made it worthwhile to look at. 

Fast forward a few years ...

As much as my father and mother adored my artwork, they never really took care of it. We had roaches growing up, and many of my pieces were destroyed because of roach shit. Serious. Even now, when I go visit my mom, any pieces on her wall have some marring blemish on it. Some have creases, some aren’t framed ... it’s sad to look at. My father in law however, always took care of my work. When I’d send it to him, he’d immediately frame it. He had his garage and a room in his house with my work displayed. Even though he and I never really got along, I knew that he loved my art. He praised it and there was a sense of pride when I’d go to his house. My artwork ... damn ... made me smile.  

My favorite movie of all time is the 1956 ‘The Ten Commandments’ with Charlton Heston and Yul Bryner. That’s in my opinion, where they should’ve refrained from any future remakes - it’s done. Leave it alone. Don’t remake it anymore. It’s like Whitney Houston’s ‘I Will Always Love You’ ... leave it alone. You’ll only embarrass yourself if you try. Remake a different song. Please.

The reason I bring that movie up is because there’s a scene where Sethi is talking to his advisors about who should take over the kingdom of Egypt upon his passing. His advisors ask him, “who else, but the son of your body?”

His response? “The man best able to rule Egypt will follow me. I owe that to my fathers, not to my sons.”

That line has always had an impact on me. Many leaders have a desire for their family to run their business or empire after they pass on, and there’s nothing wrong with that. However, many businesses and empires have failed because the family - usually the sons - have no idea how to continue on in the legacy of their father. Dad was a brilliant businessman, so son must be also, right? I mean, it’s good in theory, but often times, never the case. A good example is Walmart. Sam Walton came up with a brilliant business, but after his passing, the company, in my opinion, is going down the tubes. Customer Service - which Sam Walton was praised for - is god awful. I avoid Walmart like the plague and go there as a last resort. 

The reason I bring all this up is because when I pass on, I know that the art I have, will need to go to someone. If I don’t leave it to someone in my Will, the state comes in and can do whatever they’d like with it. Why not my children? They’re too young, and I’m not sure they’d know how to best handle it. I guess I can leave it in a trust or in storage until they’re 30. However, upon my passing, my father was the last person I wanted to get my art. I knew that, even though he admired it, he and my mom wouldn’t know how to preserve it, or even care enough to do so. 

So I spoke with my father in law, and asked if my wife and I were to pass suddenly, if he’d take all my artwork. He was more than happy to. Ecstatic to say the least. There was a sense of relief that, if I died, he’d be there to take over and preserve my artwork. I have a shit ton of art supplies that, I know my youngest would get a kick out of. There ... that’s settled.

Or so I thought. 

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Commissioned Abstract

This is a reproduction commissioned piece. I am not the creator of the original piece. I, unfortunately do not know who created the original piece. I was commissioned to reproduce it.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Gofundme transparency

Some of you are aware of the gofundme I have set up for the self publishing costs of my book. In an effort to keep things honest and straight with those who donate, I am posting a screenshot of the bank account associated with the gofundme. If you'll notice, the payment starts off with just over $500. This is my own personal money I've put up. In the gofundme, at this writing, there's just over $300. So why is this account over $1000? Because the goal is to raise $3000 whether it's through gofundme or other sources. Anywhere that you see WePay - that is the organization that gofundme uses to transfer the money from them to the account. This is my way of being transparent so that you can see that no money is going to obscure resources.

Here is the link to the gofundme:

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Through Their Eyes

My artwork alongside other pieces commissioned for the 'Through Their Eyes' play this past weekend at the Henrico Theater.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Harriet Tubman

Final piece completed. This piece will be on display along with the other one this Saturday at the Henrico Theater for the play 'Through Their Eyes: An Evening of Monologues, Music & Art. 
All artwork displayed will have something to do with the play.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

This is the companion piece to the painting below this post. 150 years before the painting posted yesterday, Harriet Tubman leads a group through the woods. It's kind of sad that after so many years, a minority can suffer the same fear and fate as his forefather. This is an in progress pic of the painting.

Monday, July 20, 2015

This is the final image for the painting. The size is 4x3 - pretty large. It is for sale, but will not be offered for sale until after the play this Saturday.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

In Progress work

The artwork that I'll be posting over the next few days go along with a play in Richmond, VA. These images are more controversial than what I usually show and unless you know the back story, it may come off as racist. If you have questions, please inbox me. Both of the pieces I'll be showing are for sale. These are the in-progress images.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Rafael Roberto Familia-Morel

Rafael Roberto Familia-Morel
Posthumus Portrait 

I'm very pleased with how this drawing came out, but not the photograph. The way the light is hitting the eyes makes them look dull. I took multiple shots, but for some reason, the eyes aren't as dark online as they are in person.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Go Fund Me

Here is a link to a gofundme for the publishing costs for a book my best friend and I wrote. We started writing it almost a decade ago, but put it aside for personal reasons. In 2013 we decided to go forward with it and spend a year researching and writing the book. In June 2014, we completed it and just to make sure we had the timeline correct, we took another year to edit it down from 50 chapters to just over 30. The feedback we've gotten from those who have read it has been stellar.

This gofundme is for the self publishing costs. Thanks for your support, and please email me if you have questions:

Here is the link:

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Good Morning

Title: Good Morning
Medium: Oil
Size: 16x20
Price: 160.00

This is what my night terrors used to consist of. It's truly paralyzing. Fearful.


WELL,  THAT WAS A SHORT-LIVED ban. I am not a fan of Tiktok for a variety of reasons, but one that I will go into detail about shortly. Beca...