Sunday, March 23, 2014


This little piece is 11x14.
The handgun has been painted to scale, in oil, and has a plain white background.
Why is this piece called 'Harmless'?
It's simple.
A handgun, in and of itself, poses no real danger or threat to anyone. As a handgun rights advocate, I personally believe that an individual who is armed, is safer than someone with a cell phone who can call the cops.
Yes, I do political artwork from time to time, and this is no different. Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, and yet, as of 2012, the murder rate was 17% higher than it was the previous year. Chicago has been called the deadliest global city. The city of Chicago alone had about the same number of murders in 2012 as there was in the entire nation of Japan.
Coincidentally, Kennesaw, Georgia passed a law requiring every home to have a gun. Crime dropped by 50% and it has one of the lowest crime rates in the nation.

Basically, until an idiot gets a handgun, it, like this painting, is a harmless object.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

In Progress Painting

This is the basic tone. I rarely work on a plain white canvas, but I'm doing so in this one. I need this painting to look as realistic as possible. So I'm going to push my dark tones as dark as possible, and my light tones as light as I can without it coming off as cartoonish. For this painting, I'm using a mixture of Titanium white, Prussian Blue, Cadmium Orange, Mars Black and Raw Umber.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Bryan's Cars

What a trip down memory lane!! A friend of mine and her husband used to live in Virginia. They moved down to Louisiana and about a month ago, I had the opportunity to visit them. He showed me these drawings I did back in 2006 with a marker and graphite. He had some old photos of cars that he grew up with that meant something to him and wanted me to capture them in an artistic fashion. I had forgotten all about them. What a treat! I love it when people value my artwork. The reason I say that is because I've met people who either got rid of my artwork or damaged it. People like Bryan & Toni Harrison - great people!!

Richmond City Lights

 AN OIL PAINTING I JUST FINISHED that I've titled: Richmond City Lights. The painting is a palette knife, framed in a beautiful, thin fl...