Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Swift Creek Mill

Swift Creek Mill

My apologies for the strong glare. No matter the angle I photograph this painting ... I get a strong glare. Email if interested in purchasing. This was painted on location.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Presidents - Grover Cleveland

Mr. Cleveland was our only president to serve 2 non-consecutive terms. He was both our 22nd and 24th President. That's why even though we've had 44 Presidents, only 43 men have occupied the office of the presidency.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Sunday, May 12, 2013


On Monday, May 13, I will be graduating from John Tyler Community College with a degree in Visual Communication. It's been a lengthy road for me, one that's taken 2 1/2 years. I took a semester off last summer just to gather my thoughts, and in doing so, had one of the roughest times shortly thereafter. In late July/early August 2012, something happened that caused me to hit such an intense state of depression, that on several occasions, my wife had to hide my handgun from me. Things began to pick back up for me emotionally in September and October, but in early November, things took a turn for the worst again. I was rejected as an artist for Portraits South, and coupled with other emotional life changes, I was a total wreck. In just a matter of 4-5 months, I went from 165 pounds to just above 130. I was unhealthy, not eating, and trying my best to stay focused.

I've obtained the great degree I've sought after. There's been a ton of studying, emotional nonsense standing in the way, life changes, and personal battles. I'd like to say the worst is over, but it's not. Now ... things begin. Am I ready? Probably not - but at least I can admit I'm slightly intimidated. Here we go.

Richmond City Lights

 AN OIL PAINTING I JUST FINISHED that I've titled: Richmond City Lights. The painting is a palette knife, framed in a beautiful, thin fl...