Monday, April 30, 2012

Oil Painting In Progress - Alicia

Just about there. I still have to work on those hands. It's a shame you know? ... I've done most of the touchups without even touching the hands. I'll get to them this week. Trust me.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Oil Painting In Progress - Alicia

The dress is complete. Touch ups will be done once I finish the hands and face.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Oil Painting In Progress - Alicia

The beginning of my newest oil painting of my youngest daughter - Alicia. This is just the basic, rough outline.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Cinderella's Revenge

I wanted to try and capture the Brothers Grimm fairy tale of Cinderella in the gory way it was portrayed. In the original tale, the details are much more gruesome than the watered down version that Walt Disney depicted in his 1950 version of the story. There was never a fairy godmother, only the ghost of Cinderella’s mother. Besides the toes, the stepsisters cut off pieces of their foot to try and make the slipper fit. In some cultures, the slipper was glass, in others, gold.
My original intent was to have the gold laces wrap in midair, but it became awkward to deal with and looked somewhat out of place. I used a varnish to coat the entire piece of wood, and a gloss to keep the blood looking as though it was still wet. The purple areas around the damaged section of the toes show the decay just before the skinworms begin to digest the rotting flesh. I’d like to think this symbolizes the extreme lengths people will go through for fame, fortune, and to make a name for themselves. Their desire is for popularity, and they could care less if their popularity trumps their own morality.
“What’s right isn’t always popular, and what’s popular isn’t always right.” - Howard Cosell

Friday, April 6, 2012

Cubist Sculpture

This is my version of Picasso's 'Bust of a Woman Wearing a Striped Hat.' It is made from discarded cardboard and a ton of hot gluegun sticks and acrylic paint. I found that if you soak the cardboard in water, you can shape it in ways that are nearly impossible if you try to shape it dry. portions of this had no tape or glue because as one piece was drying, I'd overlay another piece of wet cardboard to it. Cardboard already has some glue in it, so layers upon layers of cardboard forced it to harden as a single piece.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Whitney Houston

Here is the completed oil portrait of Whitney Houston. It is 2'x2' and is finally dry. This is the first completed oil portrait I have ever done. If you're interested in purchasing it, please email me. The price for it is $600.

Whitney Houston

Here is the completed oil portrait of Whitney Houston. It is 2'x2' and is still drying. This is the first completed oil portrait I have ever done. If you're interested in purchasing it, please email me. The price for it is $2,500.

Richmond City Lights

 AN OIL PAINTING I JUST FINISHED that I've titled: Richmond City Lights. The painting is a palette knife, framed in a beautiful, thin fl...