Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lighthouse Baptist Church

This is the 100th year of the sinking of the "unsinkable" Titanic. Rev. Frank Gooch will be delivering a sermon this April 12, 2012 with compelling stories of Christian fortitude on that moving night. It is amazing in and of itself that the 100th year of the sinking of the Titanic, that it's centennial falls on a Sunday. He had me put together this design for some pins he's having made for this moving day. If you'd like to contact him, you can reach him at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lighthouse-Baptist-Church/338441722007

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Jamie Study

Here's an oil portrait of my wife, Jamie. It's more of a study than anything else. I've been putting more time into oil portraits than anything else. I painted it on a canvas board. They're cheap, so if I mess up, there's no real investment lost. The paints are Windsor Newton, just in case anybody is wondering. I've also included the skin tones palette that I found online some time ago. I don't remember who published it - as I'd like to give them credit for it. Her head is cut off in this posting, but that's as a result of my scanner, so I posted a photomerge of one, that consists of two different scans merged together. I've placed the label as 'commissioned portrait' in this blog, even though I did it as a study. I'd like to start putting my oil portraits out there for sale.

Apple Study

This is a study I did over a two week period. I used the two basic colors you see in the left hand side. I thinned it down with liquin, and there was very little mixing of paint. I think I overdid it with the Naples Yellow highlights. I think I should've used Cadmium Yellow Medium, as it would've given off more of an orangish yellow as opposed to the bright yellow, but, it was a study nonetheless. Lesson learned. The apple consists of an underpainting of Titanium White mixed with Raw Umber. Then after it dried, I overlaid, and overlaid the glaze.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Reflections of Reality II

This oil painting is kind of a take off of the one I did in blue a couple of years back. I wasn't too pleased with that one, so I decided to make it on a much smaller scale, take my time, and focus on the perspective of the buildings. Each layer of building took about two weeks each. The paint was thinned waaaaaay down with liquin and then after it dried, I'd put on another layer. Wait a few days and then put on another layer.

The painting is 12x24.

No prints will be made of this.


Mount Ranier 1 of 2

ALL OF THE WORK THAT I post on my blog now is about my professional journey. I rarely show personal work because it's not something tha...