Monday, August 23, 2010

Rolls Royce Ad

This is an advertisement for a friend who was playing a joke on his Facebook page. I took some photos of him as well as a few Rolls Royce images and came up with this spread here. Understand that this was done only as a joke. I did not have permission to use the Rolls Royce image, nor am I intending to promote anything. It was just a fun image for a joke. However, Rolls Royce, if by any chance you come across my page and need a graphics artist, please give me a call.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Book Cover - When God Grounded The Plane

Here are two images of a children's book I was asked to do. It's the story of William Branham and how he was in a violent storm and was directed to go pray for a young man. The true mystery of the story is that the young man's mom had been praying for her son's healing when William was flying from a convention. The plane was forced to be grounded, and God led him to the front door of this young man's house. Here is the cover, and a page from the book that's yet to be published.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Photoshop Edit

I see so many "artists" in magazines do such horrible jobs at editing a woman, so I thought I'd try it for the fun of it. I found this funny-looking lady on a beach and (I have no idea who she is, nor do I know if the image is copyrighted, so it is not my intent to do anything unethical) thought I'd try and do a "professional" photo edit. I edited out portions of her belly, thinned out her legs and arm, thinned her face and neck, removed some of the hair, enhanced her breasts, and toned her up a bit. I tried to make it look like her thumb was tucked into her fist on her left hand, but I'm not so sure it's very convincing. Anyway - US Magazine, People, or any of those other trashy tabloid magazines - call me! I'm looking for a job.

Richmond City Lights

 AN OIL PAINTING I JUST FINISHED that I've titled: Richmond City Lights. The painting is a palette knife, framed in a beautiful, thin fl...