Sunday, December 19, 2010

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

My Sin

I've always wanted to paint the crucifixion of Christ, a painting that's been done a million times. I've wanted to do it a little different than I've seen it before. Imagine a scene in your mind, something tragic that happened to you - a car accident, a sudden death in the family, a close-encounter with death. There are some details that you can remember quite vivid, while other details escape. They're fuzzy portions of your memory. This painting is of a very tragic event that many witnessed. I'm sure that if we were to go back in time and view this moment, after awhile, there'd be images that would be rather unclear in our mind. All of the black, grey, purple, and blue blotches of paint represent this. The sky darkened according to scripture, as it is depicted here. As Christ's body became limp, and the blood poured from His side, I'm sure there were details that may have been lost - faces in the crowd, rocks on the ground, a bird passing by.

In this painting, Christ is utterly humiliated. His body is completely naked. I know to some that may be disrespectful, but how much more disrespectful was it for His own people to rip the clothes from His body and the Romans to hang Him on the cross? The stripes He bore pour blood from His limp body, and His hair dangles silently. I deliberately painted Christ's arms longer than they should be. I wanted to really stress Him stretching His arms as far as they could go, so if they seem anatomically incorrect, that's because they are. The painting is in oil, and is 36x24.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Logo for The Jericho Leadership Institute

A logo created for The Jericho Leadership Institute. The logo is on their website Vernon Henderson is the founder of this great organization. Please take the time to visit their website.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

James Flames CD Cover

This is the cover of a James Flames CD cover. The image is completely digital, the only thing existing is Mr. Flames.

James Flames Enterprises Logo

This was a logo recreation for James Flames Enterprises.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Obama on canvas, painted in Acrylic. I'm just trying to get a feel for how colors can be combined before I move into oil painting. Even though the portrait of Obama and Josephine Baker are completed in a very simplistic, bold fashion, I'm trying to see how things work before I move into painting the face in oil.

If you'd like to purchase it, the price is $100.00 plus S&H

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Josephine Baker - Acrylic

Painting on canvas 18X24 in acrylic of Josephine Baker. The price is $85.00. Please contact me if you'd like to purchase it.

Book Cover

The first of two drawings for the cover of a book by James Robinson published by Kingdom Publishing in Richmond, VA. The book is about the two judgments of Christ. This first drawing depicts the first judgment on earth. The entire drawing was done in Photoshop CS4. The lightening, the blood, the background ... all done with a BAMBOO pen.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Rolls Royce Ad

This is an advertisement for a friend who was playing a joke on his Facebook page. I took some photos of him as well as a few Rolls Royce images and came up with this spread here. Understand that this was done only as a joke. I did not have permission to use the Rolls Royce image, nor am I intending to promote anything. It was just a fun image for a joke. However, Rolls Royce, if by any chance you come across my page and need a graphics artist, please give me a call.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Book Cover - When God Grounded The Plane

Here are two images of a children's book I was asked to do. It's the story of William Branham and how he was in a violent storm and was directed to go pray for a young man. The true mystery of the story is that the young man's mom had been praying for her son's healing when William was flying from a convention. The plane was forced to be grounded, and God led him to the front door of this young man's house. Here is the cover, and a page from the book that's yet to be published.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Photoshop Edit

I see so many "artists" in magazines do such horrible jobs at editing a woman, so I thought I'd try it for the fun of it. I found this funny-looking lady on a beach and (I have no idea who she is, nor do I know if the image is copyrighted, so it is not my intent to do anything unethical) thought I'd try and do a "professional" photo edit. I edited out portions of her belly, thinned out her legs and arm, thinned her face and neck, removed some of the hair, enhanced her breasts, and toned her up a bit. I tried to make it look like her thumb was tucked into her fist on her left hand, but I'm not so sure it's very convincing. Anyway - US Magazine, People, or any of those other trashy tabloid magazines - call me! I'm looking for a job.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Sorry about the poor image quality. I couldn't edit out the background without it affecting the drawing itself. This is a portrait of yours truly for a display at a funeral home for those who want a drawing of their loved one.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Victoria Falls

Here's a photo that I had to digitally remove the people in it. The photo is from Victoria Falls in Africa at a place called, 'The Devil's Pool'. Basically, once a year, the flow of the falls in this particular area is at a safe level, and people can swim as close as possible to the edge of the falls within the pool area without continuing over the edge and falling into the gorge; this is possible due to a natural rock wall just below the water and at the very edge of the falls that stops their progress despite the current.

The project was to take these smiling people and remove them from the photo with no added enhancements (i.e. sharpening the image, changing the scenery, altering the lighting, blah, blah, blah). All I had to do was remove the people. In Photoshop CS4, if you hit the 'S' key, you can paint over an area using a portion of the photograph. I just used the option key on the MAC - alt on the PC - and pasted over them with water from a different section of the photo.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Here's a mural in our living room my wife had me do. I really admire Alphonse Mucha's artwork, and she said this was by far one of her favorites of his. The only change I made to it was I covered her up, as she was once in the nude. I took some photos from the inside of Uday's palace (Uday was the son of Saddam Hussein) and one of the photos consisted of this beautiful chest of drawers. On the doors of the chest were beautiful designs that I decided to put in the mural. Anyway, my wife loves it, I'm happy with it, and I plan to do another one soon.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Here is the completed portrait I finished on or around the 19th of April. The lady, Aiesha, was just the ideal client to work with. She was very open to any ideas, she provided the photos I needed, and made herself very accessible. Her wedding is Saturday, 1 May 2010, and I wish her and her husband many, many years of wedded bliss.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Muhammed Ali

A portrait collage I completed of Muhammed Ali. In this charcoal drawing, I drew it on an 11x14 sheet of charcoal paper. The background was darkened with a light coat of charcoal stick, and then I went over that layer with acrylic paint. I faded the charcoal into the acrylic to really try and heighten the sense of what's going on. I didn't want each drawing connecting, so I decided to fade them in. Ali's first fight was with Sonny Liston, and for their rematch, he knocked Liston to the canvas and stood over him, shouting for him to get up. The photographer, Neil Leifer, who snapped this photograph probably had no idea how famous the photograph would be. I decided to recreate this photograph at the bottom of the drawing, and complete the top with his last notable fight with George Foreman. Prints are available on a high gloss paper for $20.00, so just email me at if you'd like to purchase one..

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Drapery Study

This is a study I was doing of drapery in charcoal. I think there's a difference in how light is shown in clothing, and I took the drapes and tacked them to a corkboard, and went from there. I shined an incandescent light right above it on the right hand side and well ... you get the point.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Here is the completed image of Samson. It's a graphite 11x14 realistically rendered abstract drawing of the Old Testament judge. Artwork, years ago, used to tell stories and that's something I wanted to try and depict here. But, what's going on in this? What's up with all the flies, or hornets or bugs? The bugs are honeybees, and the brain has been transformed into a honeycomb. Two of the first sins that Samson committed was when he went through a vineyard, and after killing a lion, he returned to it later on to find honeybees in the rotting carcass. Under Nazarite Law - which Samson was - they were forbidden to touch anything of the vine, or eat of the vine, and they were forbidden to touch a carcass.

As I thought of Samson, I wondered if these things ever haunted him. In this scene here, we see Samson deep in thought. He shows no fear, for he's been in battle many times. The hair of his head is no longer long, and he's in captivity by the Philistines. Here he sits, just before his eyes are put out, and I wonder if those two things, the vineyard and the honeycomb, haunted him. That was the beginning, and from that time, he began to go down the wrong road.

For the opening of the face, I went to the Southside Surgical Specialist Clinic in Petersburg, VA to Dr. Nicolata's office (one of the finest doctors in my opinion) and they provided me with some medical illustrations to go off of. I had to really use my imagination to try and make it look like the skin was pulled back and make it as realistic as possible. I had a medical student at VCU - Virginia Commonwealth University - look at my work once I finished and she let me know that the only thing I had off on the opening to the mouth was one vein that needed to be pushed over slightly.

Anyway, that's the drawing, and the story behind it.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Marilyn Monroe

Here is a drawing I just completed of Marilyn Monroe. The drawing is about 11x15 (why that size, I don't know) in charcoal. If anybody wants prints, just email me. You can also check me out on Facebook -

Sunday, January 24, 2010


This is a portrait of Dawson, who passed away from SIDS. I really felt compelled to draw him for his parents because it seemed as though he was here in a flash. Life ... it's so precious, and this child's life though short here, stayed on my mind, and I felt the need to draw him. At the bottom of the drawing is the bible verse from Isaiah chapter 49:16 that reads, "Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of My hands". The drawing is 11x14 in graphite.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


This is a charcoal drawing of Michaelanglo's 'David' that I've just completed. I have always admired his artwork, and John Rush, a well noted illustrator told me to really study Michaelangelo's work. The statue of David is known all over the world, and I couldn't help but try and capture this iconic image.

Richmond City Lights

 AN OIL PAINTING I JUST FINISHED that I've titled: Richmond City Lights. The painting is a palette knife, framed in a beautiful, thin fl...